Mon, 10 May 93 15:08:20 CDT

Hello all,

Guido told me, that he is thinking about going to support Motif as the
underlying window system of Python rather than his own STDWIN.

I can think of some reasons why this is a good idea, but also why I
would personally not make this choice:

- as far as I can see there is not much support for Motif other than as
a widget set on top of X11
- although X11 is available on several platforms, not all of them
include Motif, that is for a reasonable price; practically speaking,
I think that this means the end of window-based development using
Python on non-unix systems
- what is the purpose a of window-system binding for Python and wouldn't
we rather have some portable Xlib level kind of window functionality
on all the obvious platforms (mac/pc/unix-x11); we could think of the
XVT type of solution, which is more or less an extension of the
thoughts behind STDWIN, but developed from the other end, i.e. from
existing window systems

I think that the underlying question is: who is using Python and for
what? As a newcomer to Python and this list I have no idea about that.
My own main interest is cross-platform non-standard (so: not MS-Win,
Motif, OpenLook etc.) GUI prototyping.

Rob Hegt