
Terrence M. Brannon (
Mon, 13 Jul 92 18:22:57 PDT

(require 'comint)
;;; python-connect.el
;;; Project
;;; Allow the creation of multiple emacs objects which can be queried
;;; and commanded. Primary reason is to use ange-ftp from python since
;;; it is a big headache to re-code all of ange-ftp in python - plus
;;; why re-invent the wheel.
;;; Technique
;;; Basically we spawn a python interpreter as an inferior process of
;;; emacs and then filter its output . If we get a string delimited
;;; by the start and end markers then we evaluate it.
;;; Requirements
;;; comint.el and cmushell.el both available from:
;;; "/"
;;; python, available from:
;;; "/"
;;; Usage
;;; C-x C-f python.connect.el (or whatever you name this)
;;; M-x eval-current-buffer
;;; M-x py-connect
;;; At the python prompt (>>>) type import emacs (if you named the
;;; python script -- be sure it is on your load path)
;;; Now at the python prompt you may call any of the defined modules.
;;; ex: emacs.dired('.')
;;; You may also type elisp strings delimited by + and ~ and they will
;;; be evaluated in emacs after you hit return.
;;; ex: +(copy-file "/" "my-yoga" t)~
;;; an extremely robust interface would allow one to do completion by
;;; sending an obarray/assoc list and complete-file-name command to
;;; emacs . then get back the results
;;; Another project
;;; Another possibility is to make it so you can run python without it being
;;; on your local machine - just telnet to the Python interpreter port and
;;; tell it whether you are using x-windows or whatnot.
;;; - games
;;; - demos . see where they are calling from . ange-ftp a file to their
;;; home directory
;;; - portmapper
;;; Another project
;;; NOTE: remote emacs-code becomes executable if it shows up in a buffer
;;; because emacs has a built in interpreter . if we have
;;; self-intelligent interpreters, they can show up on your remote
;;; machine and do their work, remember the results, and leave. just
;;; tell the objects what to do and they head over to the correct
;;; machine and do it

(setq start-mkr ?+)
(setq start-mkr-string (char-to-string ?+))
(setq end-mkr-string (char-to-string ?~))

(setq accum-string "")

(defun py-connect ()
(cond ((not (comint-check-proc "*py-connect*"))
(let* ((prog "python")
(name (file-name-nondirectory prog)))
(set-buffer (apply 'make-comint "py-connect" (list prog)))
(switch-to-buffer "*py-connect*")
(setq comint-prompt-regexp ">>>")
(setq P (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)))
(set-process-filter P 'elisp-filter))

(defun elisp-filter (process string)
"Make sure that the window continues to show the most recently output

(let ((old-buffer (current-buffer)))
(let (moving)
(set-buffer (process-buffer process))
(setq moving (= (point) (process-mark process)))
(goto-char (process-mark process))
(insert string)
(set-marker (process-mark process) (point)))
(if moving (goto-char (process-mark process))))
(set-buffer old-buffer)))

(while (not (string-equal string ""))
(let ((s (string-match start-mkr-string string))
(e (string-match end-mkr-string string)))
(if (string-equal accum-string "")
(setq expecting 'start-marker)
(if s
(setq expecting 'end-marker)
(if e
(interp-elisp (substring string (1+ s) e))
(setq string (substring string (1+ e))))
(setq accum-string (substring string (1+ s)))
(setq string ""))))
(setq string "")))
(if e
(interp-elisp (concat accum-string (substring string 0 (1- e))))
(setq string (substring string (1+ e))))
(setq accum-string (concat accum-string string))
(setq string ""))))))

(defun interp-elisp (string)
(eval (read string)))

;;; hacking from here on out -- ignore (or enjoy)

(defun filter-accum-command (string)
"This function is only called to reset the systems idea of the
currently accumulated output from the process if output is already in
accum-string and possibly evaluate this output if end-mkr is seen.
What it does is check for the first start-mkr and end-mkr in the
string. If neither exists, <return> the concatenation of string onto
accum-string and <exit>. If start-mkr is first, then the accumulated
string is reset to STRING from start-mkr+1 onward and we recursively
call this function. If end-mkr is first, then we evaluate (concat
accum-string STRING up-to-end-mkr), search for the next start-mkr. If
no start-mkr, <return> empty quotes and <exit>. If a start-mkr,
<return> from start-mkr to end of STRING and <exit>"
(let* ((s (string-match start-mkr-string string))
(e (string-match end-mkr-string string)))
((and (not s) (not e))
(concat accum-string string))
((or (< s e) (and s (not e)))
(filter-accum-command (substring (1+ s) string)))
((or (< e s) (and e (not s)))
(interpret-elisp (concat accum-string (substring 0 (1- e)
(setq string (substring (1+ e) string))
(let ((st (string-match start-mkr-string string)))
(if st
(substring string (1+ st))

(defun interpret-elisp (str)
(message str)
(eval (car (read-from-string str))))

(defun old-elisp-filter (proc string)
;;; Cases -
;;; (0) if accum-string == "", (0.5) expect a start marker.
;;; (1.0) accum-string will equal start-marker to finish-marker or
;;; start-marker to end of string. if accum-string went to end of
;;; string, exit. (1.5) else eval the region, chop the region from the
;;; string, set
;;; accum-string to "" and retry (0)
;;; (2) if accum-string != "", expect a finish marker. if we get a
;;; finish marker, (2.5) concat accum string and string up to finish
;;; marker, evaluate then pass the remainder of the stream to (0).
;;; (3.0) if we get a start-marker, set accum-string to "" , prepend
;;; start-marker to string and goto (0). (3.5) if we get neither, append
;;; all of string to accum-string, set accum-string to "", then exit

(if (string-equal accum-string "")
(case-0 string)
(case-2 string)))

(defun case-0 (string)
(let ((count 0)
(lth (length string)))
(while (not (equal (elt string count) start-mkr))
(setq count (1+ count)))
(if (equal count lth)
(setq accum-string (do-1-0))
(if eos
(setq accum-string "")
(case-0 string)))))))

(defun case-2 (string)
(let ((count 0)
(lth (length string)))
(while (not (or (equal (elt string count) start-mkr)
(equal (elt string count) end-mkr)))
(setq count (1+ count)))
(if (equal count lth)
(if (equal (elt string count) end-mkr)
(setq string (do-2-5 string))
(setq accum-string "")
(case-0 string))
(setq accum-string "")
(setq newstr (concat start-mkr string))
(case-0 newstr)))))

;(comint-proc-query P "\na = [2 , 3, 4] \n")

(defun t ()
(pop-to-buffer "*py-connect*")
(setq comint-eol-on-send 't)
(visi-input "a = [ 4 ,5 ,6 ] ")
(visi-input "a"))

(defun visi-input (string)
(message string)
(sit-for 1)
(goto-char (point-max))
(let* ((end (point))
(start (progn
(beginning-of-line 1)
(line (buffer-substring start end)))
(while (not (string-match "[ ]*" line))

(setq end (point))
(setq start (progn
(beginning-of-line 1)
(setq line (buffer-substring start end)))
(goto-char (point-max))
(insert string)
(goto-char (point-max))))