2 inter-related questions

Terrence M. Brannon (brannon@jove.cs.caltech.edu)
Fri, 3 Jul 92 19:16:12 PDT

( 1 )

Ok, since my python script requires argv[1], I have to call it from
the shell, right ? There is not way from the python interpreter to go:

>>> set shellProgramArgs = 'test2.c'
>>> exec 'compilify'

So that Python will issue compilify test2.c to the shell right ?

( 2 )

After I run a script from the shell , I sometimes would like to drop
into the interpreter to see the values of some things . Is there a
Python command to do this ?

See so basically what has happened is I cant use the python shell to
test values after running a program and I also cant let a script
running frm csh call the python shell after it has finished so I can
examine values.

( 3 )

os.popen execs its argument based on its own shell , not the one with
my PATH environmental variable . As a result , it cant find things
that are own my path that are not on the default PATH . Besides moving
the executable to the current directory or another place on the
default PATH, is there a workaround ?

Also : all of this is going into a FAQ sheet .

terrence brannon