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The Python Software Foundation
Minutes of the July 2012 Members' Meeting

July 3, 2012

The Python Software Foundation (the "PSF") held a member's meeting on July 3, 2012 18:00 CEST at EuroPython, Florence, Italy. Marc-Andre Lemburg presided over the meeting.

1   Attendance

The following members were present at the meeting: Strakt Holdings, Inc., Wesley Chun, Laura Creighton, Andrew Dalke, Mark Dickinson, Jacob Hallén, Laurens Van Houtven, Marc-André Lemburg, Alex Martelli, Anna Martelli Ravenscroft, Harald Armin Massa, Fabio Pliger, Steven Thorne, Christian Tismer, Thomas Waldmann, Tetsuya Morimoto, Tohru Ike, Reimar Bauer, Stefan Schwarzer, P. Zieschang, Armin Stross-Radschinski, Antonio Davoli, and Ewa Jodlowska. (This list is based on MAL's attendance list)

2   Greetings & Announcements

2.1   PSF Chairman Update

  • Steve Holden has resigned. Through his years of being chairman of the PSF, Steve has turned the PSF into a much more organized place.
  • Van Lindberg is the PSF's new chairman. Van has been PyCon US Chair in 2010 and 2011. Van will also continue with the professionalization and organization of the PSF.
  • Van was not able to be present at this member meeting, however he has left a video message for the meeting. The video message can be accessed from the meeting's agenda:

3   Board Report

3.1   PSF Associate Membership

  • There is a new level of membership at the PSF called the Associate Membership.
  • The cost is 79 EUR/99 USD per year.
  • The PSF will use this money towards funding and running Python related projects.
  • The goal is to get between 100 and 900 new Associate Memberships at EuroPython.
  • More information can be found at: or at the PSF Booth at EuroPython

3.2   PSF Employees

  • The PSF has a new employee: Ewa Jodlowska
  • Ewa's role is to be the PSF Conference/Event Organizer
  • The existing staff: Kurt Kaiser (as Treasurer), Pat Campbell (as PSF Admin)

4   PSF Finances

  • PyCon US 2012 had the revenue of 1,395K USD and the profit of 277k USD.
  • The balances of the PSF as of May 31st are: Total equity: 700K USD; Receivables: 121K USD; Payables: 27K USD; Net income: 309K USD

5   PSF Projects

  • PyCon US 2012 was a huge success with a 277K USD profit. 2013 is in the process of being launched. PSF Pythong Brochure is getting the final approval from content providers. The PSF is still looking for sponsors for the brochure.
  • Sprints are moving forward steadily.
  • Outreach is moving forward steadily.
  • OSU/OSL project is moving all of the PSF servers to VMs. The transition is under way.
  • PyPI Cloud has the AWS Amazon setup done. It has started work on pushing updated into the cloud. The project is currently on hold.
  • Pythondotorg redesign is currently in the works. The RFP is out for this project and we are awaiting proposals.
  • PSF Conference Kits have been made. There are three kits: one for Europe, one for USA, and one for South America. It does come with PSF marketing material. The first use of the booth is here at EuroPython.

6   Members

  • Welcome and introduction of new (present) members.
  • A reminder that there is a voting period coming up July 24-August 8 (total of 14 days). Voting occurs by emailing a text ballot to the PSF Admin, Pat Campbell (
  • The board wants to get the members more involved. We need to get an idea of the available members skills and work, and members who would be willing to contribute more to the PSF. We need members to create new projects/committees headed by officers or board members.
  • The PSF is looking to create regional PSF representation around the world. The board is investigating the idea to have local executives represent the PSF in different parts of the world: North America, South America, EMEA (Europe/Middle East/Africa), India/Asia/Australia.

7   PSF Member 101

  • What does the PSF do? It protects the IP in Python. It funds conferences and sprints. It funds Python related projects as well as helps run PSF projects. It helps spread the word about Python.
  • How can members help? They can talk to people and provide contacts. They can bring Python forward in professional settings. They can organize local user groups or meetings. They can participate in PSF projects.
  • More information is available by visiting the PSF booth at EuroPython. You can also write an email to the board/members list) and You can also visit the PSF website: or the wiki page: Feel free to also talk to us about your ideas (existing members and/or officers/board members).

8   Members Meeting Discussion

  • Identity Discussion
  • Outreach to new members
  • Outreach to Python related projects via member nominations
  • Exclusive club vs pool of excellence

9   Adjournment

  • Everyone make sure you have signed the attendance list
  • We have made a reservation for dinner and everyone is welcome. Dinner at the Ristorante Dino (
  • Thank you for everyone's time.