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The Python Software Foundation
Minutes of the 2010 Members' Meeting

March 11, 2011

The Python Software Foundation (the "PSF") held an annual members' meeting on March 11, 2011 during lunch at the Hyatt Regency Atlanta hotel in Atlanta, Georgia, USA (PyCon 2011 Atlanta). Steve Holden presided over the meeting. Pat Campbell prepared these minutes.

1   Attendance

47 nominated members were present at the meeting:

  • Jim Baker
  • Facundo Batista
  • Ian Bicking
  • C.Titus Brown
  • Jean-Paul Calderone
  • Brett Cannon
  • Wesley Chun
  • Nick Coghlan
  • Dr.Tim Couper
  • Laura Creighton
  • Stephan Deibel
  • Graham Dumpleton
  • Jeff Elkner
  • Michael Foord
  • Jim Fulton
  • Jacob Hallén
  • Doug Hellmann
  • Raymond Hettinger
  • Steve Holden
  • Adrian Holovaty
  • Gloria W.Jacobs
  • Kurt Kaiser
  • Jacob Kaplan-Moss
  • Glyph Lefkowitz
  • Van Lindberg
  • Alex Martelli
  • Anna Martelli Ravenscroft
  • Harald Armin Massa
  • David Mertz
  • Mike Müller
  • R.David Murray
  • Doug Napoleone
  • Jesse Noller
  • Terry Pepper
  • Allison Randal
  • Brandon Rhodes
  • Armin Rigo
  • Arc Riley
  • Jeff Rush
  • Eric V.Smith
  • James Tauber
  • Guido van Rossum
  • Martin von Loewis
  • Barry Warsaw
  • Frank Wierzbicki
  • Thomas Wouters
  • Moshe Zadka

5 representatives of sponsor members were present:

  • Canonical, represented by Barry Warsaw
  • CCP Games, represented by Kristján Valur Jónsson
  • Google, represented by Guido van Rossum for Dan Bentley
  • Merfin LLC, represented by Reggie Dugard
  • Strakt Holdings, represented by Laura Creighton

8 PSF nominated membership nominees for 2011 were present:

  • Ned Batchelder
  • Vern Ceder
  • Rick Copeland
  • Brian Curtin
  • Yannick Gingras
  • Jonathan LaCour
  • Ronald Oussoren
  • Greg P.Smith

2   Greetings & Announcements

On March 11, 2011 at the PyCon US Conference held at the Hyatt Regency in Atlanta,Georgia, Steve Holden, PSF member and chairman of the board called the PSF Members' Meeting to order at 12:30 pm [EST] during a catered lunch for members and guests.

PSF members (nominated and sponsor) and new PSF nominated membership candidates were greeted and welcomed.

During the PSF members' meeting and lunch S. Holden began announcements with:

"There is no formal agenda since there is no formal business to be conducted. Basically, we are just going to have a "welcome to everyone." There is not going to be a roll call."

Members and prospective members were asked to sign their names on the meeting attendance sign-in sheet that was being passed around the room.

Afterward, members were reminded of the upcoming members' meeting to be held at EuroPython 2011 in Florence, Italy, June 20-26.

3   Board Report

S. Holden presented a brief and informal board report to members which included mentioning that 2010 was a more successful year for the organization financially, especially, after having gone through some financial pitfalls in 2009.

"If you saw my ten minute talk this morning, that is basically the board report. We have been trying to do good things. We have been trying to recover from a bad financial situation. Thanks to Van [Lindberg's] and Jesse [Noller's] hard work over the past two years, PyCon is now on the road again as a popular and revenue contributing activity. So thanks very much to them. [the audience applauds] Things are getting a little better. We have spent as much money as we felt we safely could on supporting community-oriented activities of the kind that I described with other conferences."

Next, Guido van Rossum, PSF President, was acknowledged and then asked to say a few words on how he felt about the current state of affairs with the PSF;

"Basically, I would like to hear from the president who I know had certain criticisms last year about the way the foundation was conducting itself -- that he does feel that we are successfully back on track now. [S. Holden glances over at G.v Rossum during a brief pause] Good! Thank-you very much! [the audience roars with laughter]. In that case, that is the end of the board report."

4   Financial Report

The treasurer, Kurt Kaiser, presented everyone with a two-page hard copy of his report: a PSF Accrual Basis Balance Sheet for March 10, 2011, Revision 1 which included 2008 to the present figures and a PSF Accrual Basis PyCon 2010 Income Statement for March 10, 2011 which included 2009 and 2010 figures.

Then, he briefly reported on the financials for 2010 for the PSF and PyCon US.

"Last year PyCon US did very well and turned in a $70,000 profit. Overall, the PSF turned in a $50,000 profit."

5   Introduction of the 2011 Members' Election Candidates

During this portion of the members' meeting, all board candidates who were present at the meeting and running for re-election stood up after their names had been called by the chairman. The board of directors currently consist of 13 members.

Next, the new nominated membership candidates were acknowledged. The prospective members who were present briefly introduced themselves to the current PSF membership after their name had been called.

Then, S. Holden reminded everyone of the upcoming 2011 members election and member nomination deadline.

"Since the ballot does not go out until next week, there is still time to get further membership nominations on the ballot if you want to and we are going to be doing the electronic ballot in the same way that we did last year."

6   2010 & 2011 Active PSF Projects

During the final portion of the members' meeting, S. Holden presented members with a list and brief summary of the 2010 & 2011 active and completed projects the PSF, board of directors, officers, and a host of volunteers from the PSF community had either started or had been involved in since the last members' meeting held at PyCon US in February 2010. Project leaders were also introduced to members and recognized for their work.

The 2010 & 2011 active and completed PSF projects and leaders included:

Committee Leader
PSF Infrastructure Committee (IC) Sean Reifschneider
PSF Sprints Program Jesse Noller
PSF Trademarks Committee (TMC) David Mertz
PSF Communications Project Doug Hellmann
PSF Honorary Associate Membership (HAM) Project Pat Campbell & Kurt Kaiser
PSF Python Brochure Project Marc-Andre Lemburg
PyPI Cloud Mirroring Project Marc-Andre Lemburg
PyCon US Website Project Doug Napoleone
Core Development Tasks Project Brett Cannon
pyOpenSSL Project Jean-Paul Calderone

7   Adjournment

Steve Holden thanked everyone for attending and adjourned the informal members' meeting at approximately 1:30pm (EST), local time.