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The Python Software Foundation
Agenda of the 2009 Members' Meeting

March 27, 2009
This agenda was finalized on March 17, 2009.

The annual PSF Members' Meeting will be held at PyCon 2009 on March 27, 2009 at 12:10 CDT (17:10 UTC) at the Hyatt Regency O'Hare hotel in Chicago (Rosemont), Illinois, USA.


If you cannot attend the meeting you can vote by designating a proxy or by absentee ballot. A proxy designation is preferred; if any new business arises during the meeting your designated proxy may vote on your behalf, whereas an absentee ballot will result in an automatic abstention.

Members who have agreed to act as proxy include:

  • C. Titus Brown
  • Brett Cannon
  • Stephan Deibel
  • Michael Hudson
  • Jeremy Hylton
  • David Mertz
  • Douglas Napoleone
  • Barry Warsaw


  1. Attendance & proxies

  2. Election of Nominated Members

    Candidates (alphabetical by surname):

    • Christopher Armstrong, nominated by Steve Holden 2009-03-07
    • Jim Baker, nominated by Raymond Hettinger 2009-03-10
    • Ben Bangert, nominated by Steve Holden 2009-03-07
    • James Bennett, nominated by Steve Holden 2009-03-07
    • Jean-Paul Calderone, nominated by Steve Holden 2009-03-07
    • Graham Dumpleton, nominated by Doug Napoleone 2009-03-06
    • Martijn Faassen, nominated by Jim Fulton 2009-01-22
    • Mike Fletcher, nominated by Steve Holden 2009-03-10
    • Michael Foord, nominated by Van Lindberg 2009-02-25
    • Doug Hellmann, nominated by Ken Manheimer 2009-03-04
    • Adrian Holovaty, nominated by Steve Holden 2009-03-07
    • Jacob Kaplan-Moss, nominated by James Tauber 2009-03-01
    • Matthias Klose, nominated by Barry Warsaw 2009-03-04
    • Glyph Lefkowitz, nominated by Steve Holden 2009-03-07
    • Duncan McGreggor, nominated by Steve Holden 2009-03-07
    • Jesse Noller, nominated by Brett Cannon 2009-02-23
    • Benjamin Peterson, nominated by Georg Brandl 2009-02-27
    • Ted Pollari, nominated by David Goodger 2009-03-02
    • Mark Ramm, nominated by Steve Holden 2009-03-07
    • Phil Thompson, nominated by John Pinner 2009-03-02
    • Malcolm Tredinnick, nominated by Steve Holden 2009-03-07
    • Kirby Urner, nominated by Laura Creighton 2009-03-07
    • Dino Viehland, nominated by Jim Hugunin 2009-03-02
    • Thomas Waldmann, nominated by Laura Creighton 2009-03-09
    • Frank Wierzbicki, nominated by Steve Holden 2009-03-07
    • Simon Willison, nominated by Steve Holden 2009-03-07

    A simple majority is required to elect new members.

    See the 2009 Nominations page (in the PSF private wiki) for recommendations, and the PSF Membership FAQ for general information.

  3. Election of Sponsor Members

    The Board has already approved the following as pending sponsor members (date of resolution in parentheses):

    • (2008-05-12)
    • Lucasfilm (replaces emeritus member Industrial Light & Magic), (2008-09-08)
    • OpenEye Scientific Software (2008-09-08)
    • KNMP (2008-10-13)

    A simple majority is required to elect new sponsor members.

  4. Number of Directors

    There are currently eight (8) positions.

    RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors will consist of up to ten (10) Directors.

  5. Election of a New Board of Directors

    10 candidates (alphabetical by surname):

    • Brett Cannon
    • David Goodger
    • Raymond Hettinger
    • Steve Holden
    • Andrew Kuchling
    • Martin von Löwis
    • David Mertz
    • Tim Peters
    • Jeff Rush
    • James Tauber

    A simple majority is required to elect each Director.

    See the candidates' summaries page.

  6. Approval of Changes to the Bylaws

    RESOLVED, that the PSF adopts the proposed changes to its bylaws as documented at

  7. Give Up Control of the Python Logo?

    RESOLVED, that the PSF stops enforcing control over the Python logo as a trademark, and licenses it as a work of art to anybody without any restrictions.

    See (1) the discussion from May 2008 and (2) the recent discussion (the PSF-members mailing list archive is open to members only).

  8. Other business (TBD)

  9. Adjournment

  10. Good of the order (Q&A and discussion)