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Absentee Ballot for 2009-03-27 PSF Members' Meeting in Chicago

This form was finalized on March 17, 2009.

We recommend that you designate a proxy to vote on your behalf at the meeting PSF members who have indicated their willingness to act as proxy are listed in the meeting agenda.

The text source of this form can be found here (suitable for emailing).

As a member of the Python Software Foundation (PSF), I hereby cast this absentee ballot for elections and resolutions under consideration at the PSF member meeting to be held at PyCon 2009 at the Hyatt Regency O'Hare hotel on March 27, 2009, from 12:10 pm.

Election of Nominated Members

The following people have been nominated for membership in the PSF. To be elected, a nominee must receive more "Yes" votes than "No" votes.

Please vote to accept as a new nominated member (check one of "Yes", "No", or "Abstain" for each nominee):

Nominee Yes No Abstain
Christopher Armstrong      
Jim Baker      
Ben Bangert      
James Bennett      
Jean-Paul Calderone      
Graham Dumpleton      
Martijn Faassen      
Mike Fletcher      
Michael Foord      
Doug Hellmann      
Adrian Holovaty      
Jacob Kaplan-Moss      
Matthias Klose      
Glyph Lefkowitz      
Duncan McGreggor      
Jesse Noller      
Benjamin Peterson      
Ted Pollari      
Mark Ramm      
Phil Thompson      
Malcolm Tredinnick      
Kirby Urner      
Dino Viehland      
Thomas Waldmann      
Frank Wierzbicki      
Simon Willison      

See the 2009 Nominations page (in the PSF private wiki) for recommendations

Election of Sponsor Members

The following organizations have been nominated and approved by the Board for sponsor membership in the PSF. To be elected, a nominee must receive more "Yes" votes than "No" votes.

Please vote to accept as a new sponsor member (check one of "Yes", "No", or "Abstain" for each nominee):

Nominee Yes No Abstain      
OpenEye Scientific Software      

Number of Directors

There are currently eight (8) positions.

RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors will consist of up to ten (10) Directors.
Please vote (check one)
[  ] For [  ] Against [  ] Abstain

Election of a New Board of Directors

The following people are candidates for the Board of Directors. To be elected, a candidate must receive more "Yes" votes than "No" votes.

Please vote to accept as Director (check one of "Yes", "No", or "Abstain" for each candidate):

Nominee Yes No Abstain
Brett Cannon      
David Goodger      
Raymond Hettinger      
Steve Holden      
Andrew Kuchling      
Martin von Löwis      
David Mertz      
Tim Peters      
Jeff Rush      
James Tauber      

See the candidates' summaries page.

Approval of Changes to the Bylaws

Please see the agenda for links to the proposed new bylaws, the old bylaws, and a description of the changes.

RESOLVED, that the proposed March 2009 changes to the bylaws be accepted.
Please vote (check one)
[  ] For [  ] Against [  ] Abstain

Authorized Signature

I authorize the Secretary of the PSF to record these votes on my behalf. I hereby revoke any proxy previously given for this meeting.

Name (print):






Filing Notes

Deadline for Receipt: March 26, 2009.

This form must be filed with the Secretary of the PSF in advance of the meeting. The form may be sent (by GPG/PGP-signed email, or as a digital scan or photograph) to:

psf at

or faxed to:

+1 858 712 8966

or mailed to:

Python Software Foundation
P.O. Box 848
Hampton, NH 03843

Please use fax or email if at all possible. We can't guarantee that postal mail will arrive in time. When using fax or snail mail, send a copy of the absentee ballot by email.