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The Python Software Foundation
Agenda of the 2008 Members' Meeting

March 14, 2008
This agenda was finalized on February 15, 2008.

The annual PSF Members' Meeting will be held at PyCon 2008 on March 14, 2008 at 12:40 CST (17:40 UTC) at the Crown Plaza Chicago O'Hare hotel in Chicago (Rosemont), Illinois, USA.

The meeting minutes are here.


If you cannot attend the meeting you can vote by designating a proxy or by absentee ballot. A proxy designation is preferred; if any new business arises during the meeting your designated proxy may vote on your behalf, whereas an absentee ballot will result in an automatic abstention.

Members who have agreed to act as proxy include:

  • Brett Cannon
  • Mark Hammond
  • Richard Jones
  • Anna Ravenscroft
  • Barry Warsaw


  1. Attendance & proxies

  2. Election of Nominated Members


    • Titus Brown (nominated by Steve Holden)
    • Mark Dickinson (Guido van Rossum)
    • Amaury Forgeot d'Arc (Guido van Rossum)
    • Christian Heimes (Guido van Rossum)
    • Van Lindberg (David Goodger)
    • David Mertz (Raymond Hettinger)
    • John Pinner (Steve Holden)
    • James Tauber (David Goodger)

    A simple majority is required to elect new members.

    See the PSF Membership FAQ.

  3. Election of Sponsor Members

    The Board has already approved the following as pending sponsor members (date of resolution in parentheses):

    • (August 13, 2007)
    • HitFlip (January 14, 2008)

    A simple majority is required to elect new members.

  4. Election of a New Board of Directors

    There are eight candidates for eight positions:

    • Brett Cannon
    • Stephan Deibel
    • David Goodger
    • Raymond Hettinger
    • Steve Holden
    • Martin von Löwis
    • Tim Peters
    • James Tauber

    A simple majority is required to elect each Director.

    See the candidates' summaries page.

  5. ILM membership termination

    Proposed by Steve Holden:

    RESOLVED, that the emeritus sponsor membership of Industrial Light and Magic be terminated.

    Note: this resolution requires that two thirds of ALL the members vote affirmatively for this motion for it to carry, not only two thirds of those members present at the meeting.

    For discussion, please see Steve's email message on psf-members.

  6. Other business (TBD)

  7. Adjournment

  8. Good of the order (Q&A and discussion)