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The Python Software Foundation
Agenda of the 2007 Members' Meeting

February 23, 2007

The annual PSF Members' Meeting was held at PyCon 2007 at the Dallas/Addison Marriott Quorum By The Galleria hotel, on Friday, February 23rd, at 18:40. The meeting minutes are here.


If you cannot attend the meeting you can vote by designating a proxy or by absentee ballot. A proxy designation is preferred; if any new business arises during the meeting your designated proxy may vote on your behalf, whereas an absentee ballot will result in an automatic abstention.

Members who have agreed to act as proxy include:

  • Thomas Wouters
  • Michael Hudson
  • Ka-Ping Yee
  • Richard Jones
  • Barry Warsaw
  • Stephan Deibel
  • Brett Cannon


  1. Attendance & proxies

  2. Election of Nominated Members

    A simple majority is required to elect new members. Candidates:

    • Steven Bethard (python-dev summaries)
    • Nick Coghlan (python-dev)
    • Laura Creighton (EuroPython, PyPy)
    • Catherine Devlin (PyCon help)
    • Doug Napoleone (PyCon help & web apps)
    • Sean Reifschneider (pydotorg maintainer, PyCon help)
    • Jeff Rush (PyCon co-chair, Advocacy Coordinator)

    See the PSF Membership FAQ

  3. Election of Sponsor Members

    A simple majority is required to elect new members.

    The Board has already approved the following as pending sponsor members:

    • Tabblo (April 10, 2006)
    • cPacket Networks (June 12, 2006)
    • Madison Tyler LLC / EWT (July 10, 2006)
    • Microsoft (August 14, 2006)
    • Canonical (January 8, 2006)
  4. Review of the year

    • Financial review (Kurt Kaiser)
    • Infrastructure Committee (Brett Cannon)
    • Conference Committee (Andrew Kuchling)
    • Advocacy Coordinator
    • Other reports
  5. Motion to Increase the Maximum Number of Directors

    A call for nominations of PSF directors was issued, to the PSF-members list, to other lists, and to the PSF blog. We had a good response, with 4 new candidates stepping forward, in addition to the 8 incumbents. We have a total of 12 candidates for Director this year, but currently the Board is limited to 8 Directors. As Tim Peters put it, "the bigger the board, the more gets done."

    This motion aims to increase the limit on the number of Directors going forward. We learned in the past that it's better to expand the Board than to miss out on offers of help. This does not mean that all candidates for Director will automatically be elected; this year's Directors will be decided in the election below.


    WHEREAS it is recognized that it is beneficial to the Foundation to have a large number of active Directors, be it

    RESOLVED, that the PSF Board be increased to twelve (12) Directors.

  6. Election of a New Board of Directors

    A simple majority is required to elect each Director. There are twelve candidates:

    • David Turvene
    • Andy Todd
    • James Tauber
    • Mark Summerfield
    • Tim Peters *
    • Martin von Löwis *
    • Andrew Kuchling *
    • Steve Holden *
    • David Goodger *
    • Stephan Deibel *
    • Brett Cannon *
    • David Ascher *

    Incumbent Directors are marked with asterisks ("*"). See the candidates' summaries page.

  7. PSF Budget and Action Plan

  8. Other business (TBD)

  9. Adjournment

  10. Good of the order (Q&A and discussion)