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The Python Software Foundation
Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors

November 15, 2013

A regular meeting of the Python Software Foundation ("PSF") Board of Directors was held over Group Conference Call via phone and Internet Relay Chat beginning at 18:00 CET/ 12:00 EST, on November 15 2013. Van Lindberg presided over the meeting. Ewa Jodlowska prepared the minutes.

All votes are reported in the form "Y-N-A" (in favor-Y‚opposed-N‚abstentions-A; e.g. "5-1-2" means "5 in favor, 1 opposed, and 2 abstentions").

1   Attendance

The following members of the Board of Directors (7 of 11) were present at the meeting: Van Lindberg, Tim Peters, Marc-Andre Lemburg, Jessica McKellar, David Mertz, Brett Cannon, and Doug Napoleone. Also in attendance were Ewa Jodlowska (Secretary/Administrator) and Kurt Kaiser (Treasurer).

2   Minutes of Past Meetings

The 01 November 2013 Board meeting minutes were voted on and approved.

RESOLVED, that the PSF approve the minutes at as representing a true and accurate record of the November 1, 2013 meeting.

Approved, 6-0-1.

3   Votes Taken Between Meetings

There were no votes taken between meetings.

4   Votes Taken Over Email

There were no votes taken over email.

5   Reports

5.1   Event Coordinator Report

  1. Continued Activities from Last Month
  • Attendee Registration: The current overview of registration is good. With the current early bird rate cap, we have sold over 60%. Last year this time, registration was less than 60%.
  • Childcare: Working with Kimberlee Care to draft up a contract for PyCon 2014.
  • PyCon dinner: Working on getting details from more restaurants so we have a better selection to choose from.
  1. New Activities
  • Attendee Registration: Created a new set of PDF registration forms and sent to CTE to add to website.
  • Sponsor Reg and Housing: Prepared to launch sponsor reg and worked with CTE to keep the process going
  • Housing Management: Mathieu is scheduled to visit the Marriott Suites next week and will report back then. At that point we will decide whether to add them into our housing block. So far the price is right - just need to make sure facilities are OK.
  • AV Management: Worked on two rounds of negotiations with AV proposals with David W. At this point we are down to 3 and will make a choice in November
  • Future Planning: Getting details down for the Education Summit. Checked with the convention center to see if coat check could be arranged for PyCon.
  • Expo Hall: Working with GES to get a deal with them going for 2014 Decorator. I have more details on this - if needed let me know and I can share the comparison chart I have created on all decorator proposals.
  1. Planned for Next Month
  • Sponsor Reg and Housing: Launch sponsor reg/housing (launched Nov 13)
  • Expo Hall: Getting the sponsor manuals out. After GES sends them out, I will want to send an email to all of the sponsors making sure they received reg info and booth info.
  • Budgeting: Will invoice current 2014 PyCon sponsors
  • Convention Center Management: work on lunch setup
  1. Ongoing Projects
  • Financial Aid planning
  • 2016/2017 RFPs: Austin convention center has bowed out of the competition. The Austin UG is working with a new hotel being built that will have enough space to accommodate PyCon
  • Budget: Updating PyCon 2014 budget ledger with invoices that need to be paid and new funding
  1. Tabled Activities
  • None
  1. Issues / Blockages
  • None

5.2   Administrator Report

  1. Continued Activities from Last Month
  • None
  1. New Activities
  • I have invoiced all sponsor members for 2013
  • I am working on updating CiviCRM with current sponsors and sponsor contact info as some are outdated
  1. Planned for Next Month
  • Communicate with the sponsor members that have outstanding balances from 2012 - some have new contacts
  • Try to get something organized for a sponsor member workgroup
  1. Ongoing Projects
  • Board Agenda / Minutes: I continue to write up the Board Agenda and keep it up to date. I continue to write up the Board Meeting minutes.
  • Grant and Award Notification: I continue to notify respective parties of board resolutions.
  • Email and Communication: I am continuing to monitor all PSF Board/Members mailing lists also making sure emails are being answered/followed up on. I am continuing to read through all of the email threads that occur on the board/members mailing lists.
  • Contributor Agreements: I continue to collect agreements coming through EchoSign and marking them in bug tracker.
  • PSF Infrastructure: sorted out sunfire racking, tuned logrotate settings on wiki VM to avoid running out of disk, picking back up on PyPI failover work
  • Bylaws: 2 pull requests have been made regarding changes, edits.
  • pydotorg Redesign: no change since September
  1. Tabled Activities
  • None
  1. Issues / Blockages
  • None

5.3   Sprint Workgroup Report

  1. Issues / Blockages
  • None
  1. Continued Activities from Last Month
  • None
  1. New Activities
  • Sponsored a Django sprint in Berlin, lead by Jannis Leidel.
  1. Planned for Next Month
  • Need to follow up on a potential sprint in Mexico for a group of beginners. I spoke to the Cleveland Python Users Group and mentioned various PSF news, and there's some interested in having a sprint(s) there, so I'll follow up with them and see if they may be putting anything together.
  1. Ongoing Projects
  • None
  1. Tabled Activities
  • None

6   3rd Quarter CSA

RESOLVED, that the Python Software Foundation award the 2013 - Q3 PSF Community Service Award to Barry Warsaw

Approved, 7-0-0.

7   Other Business

  • The board discussed ways to change the PSF sponsor names and advantages for each level. David and Marc-Andre will put together a restructured tier for the next board meeting.
  • The board discussed how to deal with a PyPI package name that is inappropriate. Further discussion will continue on the board mailing list before any action is taken.

8   Adjournment

Van Lindberg adjourned the meeting at 18:43 CET/ 12:43 EST.