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The Python Software Foundation
Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors

November 01, 2013

A regular meeting of the Python Software Foundation ("PSF") Board of Directors was held over Group Conference Call via phone and Internet Relay Chat beginning at 17:00 CET/ 12:00 EDT, on November 01 2013. Van Lindberg presided over the meeting. Ewa Jodlowska prepared the minutes.

All votes are reported in the form "Y-N-A" (in favor-Y‚opposed-N‚abstentions-A; e.g. "5-1-2" means "5 in favor, 1 opposed, and 2 abstentions").

1   Attendance

The following members of the Board of Directors (9 of 11) were present at the meeting: Van Lindberg, Jesse Noller, Tim Peters, Brian Curtin, Alex Gaynor, Lynn Root, Jessica McKellar, David Mertz, and Brett Cannon. Also in attendance were Ewa Jodlowska (Secretary/Administrator) and Kurt Kaiser (Treasurer).

2   Minutes of Past Meetings

The 27 September 2013 Board meeting minutes were voted on and approved.

RESOLVED, that the PSF approve the minutes at as representing a true and accurate record of the September 27, 2013 meeting.

Approved, 7-0-2.

3   Votes Taken Between Meetings

There were no votes taken between meetings.

4   Votes Taken Over Email

RESOLVED, that the Python Software Foundation purchase a press release package from for 10 releases at a cost of $4,000, to be used by both PyCon and the Foundation.

Approved, 11-0-0.

5   Reports

5.1   Event Coordinator Report

  1. Continued Activities from Last Month
  • Website Management: Coordinating between CTE and Caktus: Worked on how they will communicate between each other so that email communication may be possible to tutorial registrants from the Caktus website. I have signed a new SOW with Caktus that will give us more programming hours (80 hours for 10k) to finalize Financial Aid Review capabilities/Admin functionality for sponsors. Whatever hours not used will be pushed to PyCon 2015.
  • Childcare: Working on getting info from Westin regarding space/F&B for childcare. So far this is the best option.
  • PyCon Dinner: Working on getting all details from restaurants that can accommodate large groups and AV needs.
  • Convention Center Management: Working on adding space for Software Carpentry and making sure we have adequate space for PyCon tracks.
  1. New Activities
  • Legal Issues: working on obtaining legal info needed for tutorial payments
  • Legal Issues: I completed registration of conference with our customs broker (Mendelsson).
  • Attendee/Sponsor Reg: Working with CTE to make sure that special characters are properly displayed on badges.
  • Attendee/Sponsor Reg: Working with CTE on creating new report that displays the data of childcare needs.
  1. Planned for Next Month
  • Sponsor Reg: Compiling a new set of Sponsor Registration instructions using promo codes instead of sponsor reg site like in 2013. CTE is working on integration.
  • Attendee Reg: Need to create PDF reg form to add to the reg site.
  • Decorator: Signing with a decorator company who will be doing the booths, S&H, signage, reg counters, electrical, job fair tables, poster session boards.
  • Sponsor Manuals: Once that is compiled we will be sending this packet out to the sponsors along with printing info and all deadlines.
  • Childcare: We will be working on finalizing the details for childcare.
  • PyCon Dinner: We will be working on finalizing the details for the PyCon Dinner and possibly adding it to the registration site.
  • Hotel Rooms: I will be looking into possibly adding more hotel rooms. This will be based on an analysis of registration/housing in a couple of weeks.
  1. Ongoing Projects
  • Financial Aid
  • 2016/2017 RFPs
  • Updating PyCon 2014 budget ledger
  1. Tabled Activities
  • AV: We will have a call mid-October to go over details and capabilities of companies who submitted proposals. After that we should be ready to make a decision by November.
  1. Issues / Blockages
  • None

5.2   Administrator Report

  1. Continued Activities from Last Month
  • None
  1. New Activities
  • I have recreated the template for monthly reports. I have adjusted the PSF Admin report to also include projects the PSF is working on (projects that Workgroups do not exist for yet)
  1. Planned for Next Month
  • Finish restructuring the monthly reports for the PSF.
  • Finish invoicing all PSF sponsors (those that have not responded with interest)
  1. Ongoing Projects
  • Board Agenda / Minutes: I continue to write up the Board Agenda and keep it up to date. I continue to write up the Board Meeting minutes.
  • Grant and Award Notification: I continue to notify respective parties of board resolutions.
  • Email and Communication: I am continuing to monitor all PSF Board/Members mailing lists also making sure emails are being answered/followed up on. I am continuing to read through all of the email threads that occur on the board/members mailing lists.
  • Contributor Agreements: I continue to collect agreements coming through EchoSign and marking them in bug tracker.
  • PSF Budget: I continue to fill in the budget based on resolutions passed by the board.
  • PSF Infrastructure: The committee is working on getting votedotpydotorg ready for use by PSF workgroups. The committee has also managed and resolved an outage in the PyPI and servers.
  • Bylaws: Van is finishing up the bylaws/charter and ready to start the Bylaws Workgroup.
  • pydotorg Redesign: Marc-Andre and Jesse are working on getting the content maintenance going for the new site. Also working on obtaining documentation from the contractors for the site.
  1. Tabled Activities
  • None
  1. Issues / Blockages
  • None

5.3   Marketing Material Report

  1. Continued Activities from Last Month
  • We're still in the process of selling ad spaces to get the finances all setup for going to print.

  • We have made room for 3 additional 1/2 page ads available and limited the number of reference entries to about 8-10.

  • Current statistics

    6 half page ads sold and paid

    1 half page ad reservation

    2 reference entries sold and paid

    4 reference entry reservations

  • Sending stickers to conferences

    Other than the brochure, we also have stickers available for use at conferences and user group meetings.

    Stickers have been sent to Albania, South Africa and Spain. I also took a set to PyCon UK (and they were gone within 15 minutes).

  1. New Activities
  • Print more Python stickers for use at conferences, since we're running out of stock
  1. Planned for Next Month
  • None
  1. Ongoing Projects
  • PSF Python Brochure
  1. Tabled Activities
  • None
  1. Issues / Blockages
  • The only issue at the moment is the slow progress in signing up ad and reference entry sponsors.
  • We'd really like to finish the project and go to print.

5.4   Community Relations Report

  1. Continued Activities from Last Month
  • PSF at conferences

    I'll take the EU PSF Conference Kit to PyCon DE 2013 next week. We won't have volunteers to staff the booth, but I'll put some stickers and fylers on the tables.

    For PyCon Ireland 2013, we'll have a smaller roll-up version built which will stay in Ireland to reduce the shipping costs overhead (shipping to and from Ireland would cost more than the production costs of the kit).

  • PSF Marketing Work Group

    Going forward, I'd like to setup a new PSF working group for managing and coordinating PSF marketing activities. This will hopefully happen in the next few months, available time permitting.

    If anyone is interested in joining such a working group, please let me know.

  • Python Events Calendar

    I'm continuing discussions with national and local groups, encourage people to make use of the Python events calendars:

    and help maintain it.

  1. New Activities
  • None
  1. Planned for Next Month
  • None
  1. Ongoing Projects
  • PSF at conferences
  • PSF Marketing Work Group
  • Python Events Calendar
  1. Tabled Activities
  • None
  1. Issues / Blockages
  • None

5.5   PSF Domains Report

  1. Continued Activities from Last Month
  • Register pycon TLDs

    No progress yet, since the board hasn't yet decided which domains to register.

  • Monitor domain renewals

  • Current status

    Please see the wiki page for details on the current status and a list of registered domains:

  1. New Activities
  • None
  1. Planned for Next Month
  • None
  1. Ongoing Projects
  • Maintaining the PSF Gandi account
  1. Tabled Activities
  • None
  1. Issues / Blockages
  • None

6   Adding Two PSF Sponsorship Levels

RESOLVED, that the Python Software Foundation add sponsorship levels at $50,000 and $100,000 levels, and design an associated benefits program for those supporting the PSF.

Approved, 9-0-0.

7   CoC Licensing

RESOLVED, that the Code of Conduct document is officially licensed under Creative Commons Zero, aka CC0

Approved, 9-0-0.

8   Other Business

  • Alex has brought the Outreach Program for Women (OPW) program to the board’s attention. It is too late for the PSF to participate in the current round of internships, but Alex will keep an eye out for the next round.

9   Adjournment

Van Lindberg adjourned the meeting at 15:39 CEST/ 12:39 EDT.