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The Python Software Foundation
Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors

September 13, 2013

A regular meeting of the Python Software Foundation ("PSF") Board of Directors was held over Group Conference Call via phone and Internet Relay Chat beginning at 18:00 CEST/ 12:00 EDT, on September 13 2013. Van Lindberg presided over the meeting. Ewa Jodlowska prepared the minutes.

All votes are reported in the form "Y-N-A" (in favor-Y‚opposed-N‚abstentions-A; e.g. "5-1-2" means "5 in favor, 1 opposed, and 2 abstentions").

1   Attendance

The following members of the Board of Directors (8 of 11) were present at the meeting: Van Lindberg, Jesse Noller, Tim Peters, Doug Napoleone, Brian Curtin, Alex Gaynor, Marc-Andre Lemburg and Lynn Root. Also in attendance were Ewa Jodlowska (Secretary/Administrator) and Kurt Kaiser (Treasurer).

2   Minutes of Past Meetings

The 30 August 2013 Board meeting minutes were voted on and approved.

RESOLVED, that the PSF approve the minutes at as representing a true and accurate record of the August 30, 2013 meeting.

Approved, 7-0-1.

3   Votes Taken Between Meetings

There were no votes taken between meetings.

4   Votes Taken Over Email

There were no votes taken over email.

5   Reports

5.1   Event Coordinator Report

  1. PyCon AV Management
  • We are in negotiations with the other providers who have submitted proposals. David W. is helping to make sure that the new companies can do what NDV has done for us in the past.
  1. PyCon Budgeting
  • Worked on finalizing the budget and submitted it to the board for approval.
  1. PyCon Electrical
  • nothing to report
  1. Future Event Planning
  • continuing to work on 2016/2017 RFPS.
  1. PyCon Hotel/CC Management
  • the refund from Santa Clara has been received via Earth Class Mail and should be reaching KBK soon and then can be applied to the 2013 PyCon budget and to the PSF budget.
  1. PyCon Housing Management
  • Worked with CTE on getting housing details for the launch of registration (is expected for Monday, September 16)
  1. PyCon Registration Management
  • Worked with CTE on getting reg details in place for launch.
  1. PyCon Site Visits
  • nothing to report
  1. PyCon Website Management
  • Continuing (this includes Diana and Mathieu as well) to correspond with Caktus about their work on the website.
  • Working with CTE to help integrate attendee info to the site for communication purposes for instructors.
  1. Legal Issues
  • Working on getting a contract signed with BCF AVOCATS DAFFAIRES BUSINESS LAW to help with visas for presenters.
  • Worked on ironing out the details for tax on PyCon 2014. With the help of the law firm listed above, we have learned that we qualify to not charge taxes for registration (GST and PST). The law firm will also assist us in getting Canadian taxes refunded (for certain payments) after the conference based on our qualifications.

5.2   Administrator Report

  1. Board Agenda / Minutes
  • I continue to write up the Board Agenda and keep it up to date.
  • I continue to write up the Board Meeting minutes.
  1. Grant and Award Notification
  • I continue to notify respective parties of board resolutions.
  1. Email and Communication
  • I am continuing to monitor all PSF Board/Members mailing lists also making sure emails are being answered/followed up on.
  • I am continuing to read through all of the email threads that occur on the board/members mailing lists.
  1. Contributor Agreements
  • collecting agreements coming through EchoSign and marking them in bug tracker.
  1. Other Conferences
  • Please see the Event Coordinator Report for the detail.

5.3   Marketing Material Report

  1. Progress
  • Nothing much new to report. We're still in the process of selling ad spaces to get the finances all setup for going to print. We have discussed the problem internally and will now make more regular ad space available, while limiting the number of reference entries.
  • If you know someone who might be interested in signing up as ad sponsor, please refer them to the brochure site or have them contact me. Here's the preview PDF to pass around, in case someone wants to take a look:
  • Once we have the sponsors all signed up, we'll go to print with the brochure and have it distributed to the ad sponsors, reference sponsors, subscription sponsors and Python conferences, user groups, etc. via on-demand shipping.
  • If you are the lead of a local user group, conference, educational institution and interested in receiving boxes with the brochure delivered to you at no additional costs, please contact the PSF or our team directly via brochure at
  1. Issues
  • The only issue at the moment is the slow progress in signing up ad and reference entry sponsors. We'd really like to finish the project and go to print.

5.4   Community Relations Report

  1. PSF at conferences
  • PSF sponsorship for PyCon DE 2013 will be decided at the next board meeting (scheduled for today). If the sponsorship goes through, I'll take the European conference kit to that conference.
  • For PyCon Ireland 2013, I've prepared and sent the PDF with the graphics to Vicky. She'll have a smaller roll-up version built which will stay in Ireland to reduce the shipping costs overhead (shipping to and from Ireland would cost more than the production costs of the kit).
  1. PSF Marketing Work Group
  • Going forward, I'd like to setup a new PSF working group for managing and coordinating PSF marketing activities. This will hopefully happen in the next few months, available time permitting. If anyone is interested in joining such a working group, please let me know.
  1. Wikis
  • Not really directly related to community relations, but I thought I'd mention it here anyway: The Python, Jython and PSF wikis have finally be setup for HTTPS only mode, e.g. All HTTP traffic is redirected to HTTPS automatically and thanks to Donald Stufft we even have perfect forward security enabled on the sites.
  • I've removed the wiki attack banner and instead added a section to the front page of the Python and Jython wikis pointing to the attack wiki page:
  • If you have used wiki password over HTTP before, please change them to new ones, since HTTP traffic is easy to sniff.
  1. Other Activities
  1. Issues
  • None

6   PyConDE 2013 Sponsorship

RESOLVED, that the Python Software Foundation sponsor PyConDE 2013 in the amount of $3,000 USD

Approved, 8-0-0.

7   RuPy 2013 Sponsorship

RESOLVED, that the Python Software Foundation sponsor RuPy 2013 in the amount of $2,500 USD

Approved, 8-0-0.

8   Python Indonesia User Group Grant

RESOLVED, that the Python Software Foundation grant $500 USD to the Python Indonesia bimonthly group for support of their meetings and speakers

Approved, 8-0-0.

10   Adjournment

Van Lindberg adjourned the meeting at 18:17 CEST/ 12:17 EDT.