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The Python Software Foundation
Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors

July 12, 2013

A regular meeting of the Python Software Foundation ("PSF") Board of Directors was held over Group Conference Call via phone and Internet Relay Chat beginning at 18:00 CEST/ 12:00 EDT, on July 12 2013. Van Lindberg presided over the meeting. Ewa Jodlowska prepared the minutes.

All votes are reported in the form "Y-N-A" (in favor-Y‚opposed-N‚abstentions-A; e.g. "5-1-2" means "5 in favor, 1 opposed, and 2 abstentions").

1   Attendance

The following members of the Board of Directors (9 of 11) were present at the meeting: Van Lindberg, Marc-Andre Lemburg, Tim Peters, Doug Napoleone, David Mertz, Jesse Noller, Jessica McKellar, Lynn Root, and Brett Cannon. Also in attendance was Ewa Jodlowska (Secretary/Administrator).

2   Minutes of Past Meetings

The 28 June 2013 Board meeting minutes were voted on and approved.

RESOLVED: that the PSF approve the minutes at as representing a true and accurate record of the June 28, 2013 meeting.

Approved, 6-0-3.

3   Votes Taken Between Meetings

There were no votes taken between meetings.

4   Votes Taken Over Email

There were no votes taken over email.

5   Reports

5.1   Event Coordinator Report

  1. PyCon AV Management
  • Reviewed RFPs with Diana and Mathieu. We have decided to post pone the decision making until mid August.
  1. PyCon Budgeting
  • Working on budget for 2014
  1. PyCon Electrical
  • received 3 proposals from decorator companies. Also sent out a 4th RFP request to Montreal group. Will make a decision late August.
  1. Future Event Planning
  • working on 2016/2017 RFPS.
  • working on Dinner idea for PyCon 2014 on Friday night.
  1. PyCon Hotel/CC Management
  • trying to get all of the refunds from the CC and commission checks from hotels.
  1. PyCon Housing Management
  • nothing to report
  1. PyCon Registration Management
  • working on signing contract with CTE for 2014. discussed with Diana and Mathieu items that we want CTE to manage for 2014. Will be sending those items for review to CTE.
  1. PyCon Site Visits
  • Site visit happened June 29-July 2.
  1. PyCon Website Management
  • Launched PyCon 2014 site. Collecting talk proposals. Currently working on Financial Aid integration and site responsiveness.

5.2   Administrator Report

  1. Board Agenda / Minutes
  • I continue to write up the Board Agenda and keep it up to date.
  • I continue to write up the Board Meeting minutes.
  1. Grant and Award Notification
  • I continue to notify respective parties of board resolutions.
  1. Email and Communication
  • I am continuing to monitor all PSF Board/Members mailing lists also making sure emails a re being answered/followed up on.
  • I am continuing to read through all of the email threads that occur on the board/members mailing lists.
  1. Contributor Agreements
  • collecting agreements coming through EchoSign and marking them in bug tracker. Going through all of the backlog from PyCon.
  1. Documentation Upkeep and Wiki
  • working on helping Van with the 2013 PSF Budget
  1. Other Conferences
  • Please see the Event Coordinator Report for the detail.

5.3   Outreach and Education Report

  1. Awards
  • none
  1. Discussions
  • We received a very nice update from Andromeda Yelton with the results of the introduction to Python Workshop at the 2013 American Library Association annual conference that we supported in June: "Thank you -- so much, again -- for sponsoring lunch at our Introduction to Python workshop last Friday. We ended up with about 40 attendees. Not having to worry about finding lunch gave them a well-deserved chance to relax, and gave us time to run lightning talks showcasing real-world Python applications. Here's a blog post on the event: We also have a Storify capturing the day as it happened:".
  • We are in the middle of discussing the committee's membership guidelines. There isn't currently an explicit system for joining the committee, retiring, or re-affirming the committee membership with the board. More details on this to come; David will probably be sending the Board an updated list of committee members to confirm soon.

5.4   Marketing Material Report

  • The marketing material project aims to design, produce and ship professional quality marketing material for Python.
  • The first goal is to create a Python brochure which show-cases Python's application spaces, how it helps users to achieve their tasks and what its benefits are in a professional and educational setting.
  • Please see this wiki page for more information on the effort:
  1. Progress
  • Nothing much new to report. We're still in the process of selling ad spaces to get the finances all setup for going to print.
  • Meanwhile, I'm collection new leads for success stories for a second edition.
  • If you are interested in signing up as reference sponsor or know someone who might be interested, please refer them to the brochure site:
  • Once we have the sponsors all signed up, we'll go to print with the brochure and have it distributed to the ad sponsors, reference sponsors, subscription sponsors and Python conferences, user groups, etc. via on-demand shipping.
  • If you are the lead of a local user group, conference, educational institution and interested in receiving boxes with the brochure delivered to you at no additional costs, please contact the PSF or our team directly via brochure at
  1. Issues
  • The only issue at the moment is the slow progress in signing up reference entry sponsors.
  • We'd really like to finish the project and go to print.

5.5   Community Relations Report

  1. Summary
  1. Progress
  • We've had the conference kit at EuroPython 2013 and the South American kit will be used for Python Brasil 2013 this year.
  • I'm planing to take the European kit to PyCon DE 2013, if the PSF decides to sponsor the event.
  • For PyCon Ireland 2013, we'll have a smaller roll-up version built which will most likely stay in Ireland to reduce the shipping costs overhead.
  • I'm continuing discussions with national and local groups, encourage people to make use of the Python events calendars (and help maintaining it) and help wherever I can.
  1. Issues
  • The budget the board approved for the conference kits is fully used up. I'll have to propose a budget position for marketing activities or use my directors allowance.

5.6   PSF Domains Report

  1. Progress
  • Most PSF domains have been transferred over to the Gandi account.
  • Still pending are the ones that Arc hosts, since I'm having trouble contacting him.
  • I'm also work with Lynn to get the psf-outreach domains transferred. GoDaddy, the current registrar is giving some trouble with these transfers.
  • The registration of the python.china domain has gone through now in the second round.
  • See the wiki page for the current status and registered domains.
  1. Issues
  • Some transfer problems like emails not coming through, but nothing serious.

6   PyLadies Wordmark

RESOLVED, that the PSF register and obtain a United States wordmark on the brand "PyLadies".

Approved, 9-0-0.

7   Two-Snake Python Logo Trademark

RESOLVED, that the PSF register two-snakes Python logo as a trademark in the US, the EU, Australia, India, China, Japan, Brazil and Argentina.

Approved, 9-0-0.

8   Python Wordmark

RESOLVED, that the PSF register the "Python" word mark in Australia, India, China, Japan, Brazil and Argentina.

Approved, 9-0-0.

9   Other Business

  • First review of the first version of the PSF budget
  • Discussed possible future changes to PSF sponsorship regarding package options

10   Adjournment

Van Lindberg adjourned the meeting at 19:10 CEST/ 13:10 EDT.