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The Python Software Foundation
Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors

June 14, 2013

A regular meeting of the Python Software Foundation ("PSF") Board of Directors was held over Group Conference Call via phone and Internet Relay Chat beginning at 18:00 CEST/ 12:00 EDT, on May 10 2013. Van Lindberg presided over the meeting. Ewa Jodlowska prepared the minutes.

All votes are reported in the form "Y-N-A" (in favor-Y‚opposed-N‚abstentions-A; e.g. "5-1-2" means "5 in favor, 1 opposed, and 2 abstentions").

1   Attendance

The following members of the Board of Directors (11 of ll) were present at the meeting: Van Lindberg, Marc-Andre Lemburg, Tim Peters, Doug Napoleone (joined after minutes were voted on), David Mertz, Jesse Noller, Brian Curtin, Jessica McKellar, Lynn Root, Brett Cannon and Alex Gaynor. Also in attendance were Kurt Kaiser (Treasurer) and Ewa Jodlowska (Secretary/Administrator).

2   Minutes of Past Meetings

The 31 May 2013 Board meeting minutes were voted on and approved.

RESOLVED: that the PSF approve the minutes at as representing a true and accurate record of the May 31, 2013 meeting.

Approved, 9-0-1.

3   Votes Taken Between Meetings

There were no votes taken between meetings.

4   Votes Taken Over Email

There were no votes taken over email.

5   Reports

5.1   Event Coordinator Report

  1. PyCon AV Management
  • Worked on creating the RFP for AV for 2014 and 2015. In the process of receiving proposals from companies.
  1. PyCon Budgeting
  • Working on budget for 2014
  1. PyCon Electrical
  • worked on RFP to send out to decorator vendors (such as Freeman and GES), this included info on electrical that will be needed in 2014. In the process of receiving the proposals from various companies.
  1. Future Event Planning
  • Started to outline the RFP for 2016/2017. We have an interest from the Denver CVB.
  • We now also have interest from Philadelphia, Portland, and New York City. Working with all of these groups to get the best proposal from each city.
  1. PyCon Hotel/CC Management
  • Went through final bill, removed all charges that didn't belong, split up the charges based on categories in our budget and added each category to the ledger
  1. PyCon Housing Management
  • Worked on getting the final pick up numbers for 2013 and commission checks. Currently working on getting commission checks.
  1. PyCon Registration Management
  • Settling some lose ends with registration payments. We are almost done with all of our open payments.
  1. PyCon Site Visits
  • Working on getting Diana to Montreal for site visit in July.
  1. PyCon Website Management
  • Signed with Caktus. Working on launching the first phase July 1st, which will also open call for proposals.

5.2   Administrator Report

  1. Board Agenda / Minutes
  • I continue to write up the Board Agenda and keep it up to date.
  • I continue to write up the Board Meeting minutes.
  1. Grant and Award Notification
  • I continue to notify respective parties of board resolutions.
  1. Email and Communication
  • I am continuing to monitor all PSF Board/Members mailing lists also making sure emails a re being answered/followed up on.
  • I am continuing to read through all of the email threads that occur on the board/members mailing lists.
  • I have started to send out the sponsors letters to PSF sponsor members. I am in the process of finishing that up and sending second notices. So far we have $76k in interest. I will now start to work on updating CiviCRM with updated PSF sponsor records/info.
  1. Contributor Agreements
  • collecting agreements coming through EchoSign and marking them in bug tracker. Going through all of the backlog from PyCon.
  1. Documentation Upkeep and Wiki
  • created the charter for the Bylaw WG and also the interaction sheet for future charters.
  1. Other Conferences
  • Please see the Event Coordinator Report for the detail.

5.3   Outreach and Education Report

  1. Awards
  • $767.27 for an introduction to Python Workshop at the 2013 American Library Association annual conference, led by Andromeda Yelton.
  • $300 for a women's panel/mixer at SciPy 2013, organized by Kristen Thyng.
  1. Discussions
  • We received a request for sponsorship from the organizers of the Write/Speak/Code conference in New York City in June ( We declined to sponsor this event due to an insufficient focus on Python and organizational concerns.

5.4   Sprint Committee Report

  1. Summary
  • We're sponsoring the scikit-learn sprint at the end of July. I've now got the payment request from them so I'm going to work with Kurt to get their funding.
  1. Issues / Blockages
  • None
  1. Continued Activities from Last Month
  • None, everyone is currently paid and up-to-date
  1. New Activities
  • We approved partial funding to a week-long sprint for the scikit-learn core developers in Paris. They're bringing together a lot of the major contributors for this and they're looking for several thousand dollars to help fund some of their travel. Since the event is much longer than what we normally sponsor, we're contributing $600, which is double our normal amount for a small one-day sprint.
  • Because we've worked with these people in the past, and because it's going to fund travel, we're going to try and work this as an up-front payment rather than reimbursement. We trust that they're using the funds appropriately, but we're going to gather receipts for our records.

5.5   Communications Report

  1. Summary
  • Not much to share for this report, except we did post the announcement of the Code of Conduct, as well as place it in the repo and on the website. It received over 3400 views on the blog, and was retweeted 50 times (only trolled once).
  1. Issues / Blockages
  • None
  1. Continued Activities from Last Month
  • None
  1. New Activities

5.6   Marketing Material Report

  • The marketing material project aims to design, produce and ship professional quality marketing material for Python.
  • The first goal is to create a Python brochure which show-cases Python's application spaces, how it helps users to achieve their tasks and what its benefits are in a professional and educational setting.
  • Please see this wiki page for more information on the effort:
  1. Progress
  • We've completed getting approvals from all content providers and have created a preview PDF which we can use to sell ad sponsorships and reference entries.
  • Ad space is almost sold out. 5 ads are sold. There are two ad reservations and one 1/2 page ad slot is still available.
  • The much more affordable reference entries appear to be much harder to sell. We've so far only sold 2, with 4 pending payment. That leaves 22-32 entries available.
  • If you are interested in signing up as reference sponsor or know someone who might be interested, please refer them to the brochure site:
  • Once we have the sponsors all signed up, we'll go to print with the brochure and have it distributed to the ad sponsors, reference sponsors, subscription sponsors and Python conferences, user groups, etc. via on-demand shipping.
  • If you are the lead of a local user group, conference, educational institution and interested in receiving boxes with the brochure delivered to you at no additional costs, please contact the PSF or our team directly via brochure at
  1. Issues
  • The only issue at the moment is the slow progress in signing up reference entry sponsors.
  • We'd really like to finish the project and go to print.

5.7   Community Relations Report

  1. Summary
  1. Progress
  • There hasn't been much progress in the last months, mainly due to lack of time.
  • The conference kits will likely be used at EuroPython 2013 and Python Brasil 2013 this year. Perhaps also at PyCon DE 2013 and other conferences.
  • We still need local teams to staff the booths for these conferences.
  • I'm continuing discussions with national and local groups, encourage people to make use of the Python events calendars (and help maintaining it) and help wherever I can.
  1. Issues
  • The budget the board approved for the conference kits is fully used up. I'll have to propose a budget position for marketing activities or use my directors allowance.

5.8   PSF Domains Report

  1. Progress
  • The Gandi accounts were setup, access details sent to Kurt, Ewa, Noah.
  • The ironpython.(net/com/org) domains were transferred to the PSF from Microsoft as first real-life test of the setup.
  • I've registered the first batch of available "python" TLDs as discussed on the board list. These all redirect to
  • Still pending is the registration of the python.china domain due to problems with the Chinese registry.
  • I'm now busy with Kurt to get the existing PSF domains which he has access to transferred to Gandi. All but the and the domain have been transferred.
  • Next week, I plan to start the transfer of the domains that Arc has access to.
  • A new email alias psf-domains at was setup, so that the board list no longer gets all the domain email.
  1. Issues
  • Some transfer problems like emails not coming through, but nothing serious.

6   Oregon University Open Source Labs Donation

RESOLVED, that the PSF make a donation to the Oregon State University Foundation for the Oregon State University Open Source Labs in the amount of $3000

Approved, 11-0-0.

7   Python Dominicana Grant

RESOLVED, that the PSF grant Python Dominicana 1250 USD for promotion of Python and their Python user group at CodeCampSDQ and travel to smaller user groups

Approved, 11-0-0.

8   Bylaws Workgroup

RESOLVED, that the PSF charter a bylaws working group based upon the charter at

Approved, 11-0-0.

9   Infrastructure Workgroup

RESOLVED, that the PSF charter an infrastructure working group based on the charter at, subject to later recertification with an updated charter based upon the final approved bylaws

Approved, 10-0-1.

11   Adjournment

Van Lindberg adjourned the meeting at 19:03 CEST/ 13:03 EDT.