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The Python Software Foundation
Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors

Decmeber 5, 2012

A regular meeting of the Python Software Foundation ("PSF") Board of Directors was held over Group Conference Call via phone and Internet Relay Chat beginning at 18:00 CEST/ 12:00 EDT, on September 12 2012. Marc-Andre Lemburg presided over the meeting. Ewa Jodlowska prepared the minutes.

All votes are reported in the form "Y-N-A" (in favor-Y‚opposed-N‚abstentions-A; e.g. "5-1-2" means "5 in favor, 1 opposed, and 2 abstentions").

1   Attendance

The following members of the Board of Directors (8 of ll) were present at the meeting: Marc-Andre Lemburg, Tim Peters, Brian Curtin, Jessica McKellar, Martin v. Löwis, Andrew Kuchling, Doug Napoleone (joined after all voting), and Steve Holden (joined after all voting). Also in attendance were Kurt Kaiser (Treasurer) and Ewa Jodlowska (Secretary/Administrator).

2   Minutes of Past Meetings

The 21 November 2012 Board meeting minutes were voted on and approved.

RESOLVED, that we approve the minutes at as representing a true and accurate record of the November 21 2012 meeting.

Approved, 5-0-1.

3   Votes Taken Between Meetings

There were no votes taken between meetings.

4   Votes Taken Over Email

There were no votes taken over email.

5   Treasurer Report

Treasurer Reports will only be provided every second PSF Board Meeting of the month (December 19, 2012).

6   Progress Reports

Progress Reports will only be provided every second PSF Board Meeting of the month (December 19, 2012).

7   RuPy Brazil Sponsorship

RESOLVED, that the Python Software Foundation sponsor RuPy Brazil conference with an amount of BRL 3000.

Approved, 6-0-0.

8   Other Business

8.2   Ghana

We need to find out further information on the MISE proposal and possibly connect them with the Python Tour in Africa.

8.3   Public Relations

Brian switched PR services from PR Web to Market Wire because of good deals. If they end up providing good distribution, Marc-Andre thinks it may be a good idea for the PSF to start putting out press releases again (possibly using Marketwire).

8.4   esdotpycondotorg

The board does not see an issue with esdotpycondotorg getting complete control over the sub-domain by setting up their own name service for it and having esdotpycondotorg and any sub-domains resolve to whatever they setup on their servers.

9   Adjournment

Marc-Andre Lemburg adjourned the meeting at 18:22 CEST/ 12:22 EDT.