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The Python Software Foundation
Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors

June 18, 2012 & June 25, 2012

A regular meeting of the Python Software Foundation ("PSF") Board of Directors was held over Group Video Calling via Skype and Internet Relay Chat beginning at 16:00 UTC, 18 June 2012 (Part 1) and resumed on 25 June 2012 (Part 2) & again was held over Group Video Calling via Skype and Internet Relay Chat beginning at 16:00 UTC,. Marc-Andre Lemburg presided over the first part of the meeting and Van Lindberg presided over the second. Pat Campbell prepared the minutes.

All votes are reported in the form "Y-N-A" (in favor — opposed — abstentions; e.g. "5-1-2" means "5 in favor, 1 opposed, and 2 abstentions").

1   Attendance

June 18, 2012

The following members of the new Board of Directors (6 of ll) were present at the meeting: Brian Curtin, Marc-Andre Lemburg, David Mertz, Doug Napoleone, Jesse Noller, and Tim Peters. Also in attendance were Kurt Kaiser (Treasurer) and Pat Campbell (Secretary/Administrator).

June 25, 2012

The following members of the new Board of Directors (11 of ll) were present at the meeting: Brian Curtin, Steve Holden, Marc-Andre Lemburg, Van Lindberg, Martin von Löwis, Jessica McKellar, David Mertz, Doug Napoleone, Jesse Noller, and Tim Peters. Also in attendance were Kurt Kaiser (Treasurer) and Pat Campbell (Secretary/Administrator).

2   Minutes of Past Meetings

The 21 May 2012 Board meeting minutes were voted on and approved.

RESOLVED, that we approve the minutes at mailman/private/psf-board/2012-June/017966.html as representing a true and accurate record of the meeting.

Approved, 6-0-0.

3   Votes Taken Between Meetings

There were no votes taken between meetings.

4   Votes Taken Over Email

There were two votes taken over email:

4.1   Fiscal Sponsorship

RESOLVED, that the PSF provide fiscal sponsorship for the "direct projects" PyTexas, Boston Python, and PyArkansas. The PSF will collect targeted donations and reimburse properly receipted expenses on their behalf up to the level of the donations made to each project. These projects must not represent that they are independent legal entities.

Approved on 2012-06-18, 11-0-0.

4.2   PyOhio 2012 Conference Grant

RESOLVED, that the PSF provide a grant of USD 1650 to sponsor the PyOhio 2012 Conference to be held in Columbus, Ohio.

Approved on 2012-06-20, 11-0-0.

5   Treasurer Report

The monthly Treasurer's Report was provided to Board members by K. Kaiser prior to the Board meeting and produced from Quickbooks Online.

Here is an exerpt from the treasurer's report on a few of the activities the treasurer has been focused on:

For the month of May 2012, the treasurer provided a sumation of the financial activities by saying:

We recognized PyCon's results in May. The PyCon team produced a great PyCon, resulting in a record 1,395K in revenue and 277K profit.

Our net assets were up by 269K in May to 700K, reflecting the PyCon results.

Accounts Receivable was down by 17K, reflecting payments by PyCon and PSF sponsors. As of 17Jun, AR is 71K..

Accounts Payable was back down to 27K following payment of the invoices mentioned last month.

He reported on the revenue and expense below:


In the month of May, YTD income was up by 242K, due to PyCon results

offset by payroll.

Donations for the month were $2,871.


Oregon State Univ $3,000


Outside Services:
Wendroff / QBOL 1,238

The treasurer goes on to say:

Most of my time was spent on processing sponsor payments and completing the PyCon accounting in QBOL. There was also a significant fraud attack on our donation system which required quite a bit of time to resolve.

Concerning the Associate Member Program (AM), he said:

Associate Member program:

The website is available to accept Associate Member registrations. Andrew Kuchling has offered to work on improving the site content and the attractiveness of the Associate Membership offering.

We still need to link to, improve the attractiveness of the offering by adding content on relating to the Associate Membership, and make the community aware of the opportunity.

Kurt concluded his report with a list of items the treasurer's office will be focused on, he said:

My focus is on AR/AP reduction, the increased activity and strong interest in fiscal sponsorship shown at PyCon, and the annual Federal Tax filing.

6   Progress Reports

The following board reports were submitted to the board mailing list one week prior to this month's scheduled two meetings. Please see a summary of each board report listed below and a possible board discussion at the end of the report(s):

6.1   Communication Status

B. Curtin, Communications Officer, reported on continued activities from last month. He reported:

Brian is planning an email campaign with the Outreach & Education committee, and the PSF blog may be included in the resources discussed there.

Brian also reported on the new activities for the month. He said:

We generated some good activity on the Python Insider blog, publishing three posts since we last reported. The first was on new Windows features that many have been asking about for years. The second was on new features in the fourth alpha release of Python 3.3. The most recent was an announcement of Atlassian's mirror setup of All of the posts were linked to from the Facebook and Google+ pages and have generated some nice buzz and got people talking.

The foundation blog also had three posts since last report. The first was a long overdue announcement of Q1 Community Service awards for Audrey Roy and Carl Trachte (sorry for the delay). The second was an announcement of the newly elected members. The most recent post highlighted the many recent board-approved sponsorship of conferences around the world.

We also got the board resolutions up to date on the website and created several tickets on our tracker to plan out future posts.

He reported the following information on the planned activities for next month:

  1. Pending the return of several interview questions, we have posts in the queue introducing Lincoln Loop as a sponsor member, Van Lindberg as chairman, Ewa Jodlowska as PSF Event Coordinator, and details of the relationship between OSU/OSL (due to our donation to them).
  2. Need to write up questions to Marc-Andre Lemburg about the PSF conference kits. We'd like to cover what the plans are for them and perhaps get pictures of a setup once they are available.
  3. We will be reaching out to Armin Rigo to ask about our funding of PyPy's STM project, how it's going, how the sponsorship will help, etc.

As far as the ongoing projects for the month are concerned, he reported:

  1. As details surface about the Raspberry Pi purchase and distribution, we'll be writing about them. A plan for distribution is due out soon which we'll be following.
  2. Brian Curtin is working on a post about the video equipment purchased by the PSF and how it has been used to record conference talks and other events.

For tabled activities, B. Curtin said:

  1. PyCon video equipment loan/rental program post

    There was some discussion of offering the PyCon video equipment to PUGs for their meetings, but the mechanism to do it isn't in place, yet.

6.2   Marketing Material

M.A. Lemburg, Marketing Material Project Manager, provided a summary of his work. He said:

The project is lead by Marc-André Lemburg who is in contact with the people behind the Plone brochure created by the German Zope User Group (DZUG): Jan Ulrich Hasecke and Armin Stroß-Radschinski.

We started working on the concept a few weeks after World Plone Day in April 2010 and had several meetings and conference calls to take the idea forward.

For more details, please see the brochure support site at:

Marc-André also reported on the progress of his project when he said:

The layout of the brochure is now finalized and we're putting finishing touches on the texts. Once we have received approval from the content providers, we'll then actively start a sponsorship campaign to signup ad, subscription and reference sponsors.

We will use EuroPython 2012 again as platform to reach out to interested parties. Our presence at EuroPython 2011 had already helped a lot in getting the success stories lined up, so we expect a similar effect for sponsorships.

In order to help with one-to-one marketing the brochure the remaining teaser versions of the brochure we produced for PyCon US 2012 were sent to EuroPython. We'll have them available at the PSF booth.

Here's the link to the PDF of the teaser, in case you missed it: -teaser-booklet/view

The online payment solution has been up since the start of PyCon US 2012 in March. We do have a few ad and reference sponsor signups already, but no where near enough to start going to print.

If you are interested in signing up as reference sponsor, please contact us or visit us at the EuroPython conference to get a first hand intro to the brochure.

Once we have the sponsors all signed up, we'll go to print with the brochure and have it distributed to the ad sponsors, reference sponsors, subscription sponsors and Python conferences, user groups, etc. via on-demand shipping.

If you are the lead of a local user group, conference, educational institution and interested in receiving boxes with the brochure delivered to you at no additional costs, please contact the PSF or our team directly via brochure at

6.2.2   Educational Sponsorship

In case you missed it in the last report: we have also added a new sponsor option: the educational sponsorship.

This works much like the subscription sponsorship where a company can order extra brochure copies at very reasonable prices. The difference is that companies can order extra copies for educational institutions of their choice or of the PSF's choice. The bill will be paid by the company and the boxes will go straight to the institution.

6.2.3   Please Help find Sponsors

If you know possible sponsors or are interested in sponsoring the brochure yourself, please check the available sponsorship plans we have available:

If you have questions, please ping me directly or write to brochure at

M.A Lemberg reported on the current issues the project is faced with. He said:

If you know of interesting projects or companies using Python to great things, please contact us and consider signing up as contact scout to provide on-site help at conferences or other events:

and, if you're interested in the project, please consider signing up to our newsletter:

Thanks !

As far as the future plans for this project are concerned, he reported:

If the project goes well, we'll follow up with a second edition of the brochure, Python flyers using material extracted from the brochure, translated versions of the brochure and also consider creating marketing material more targeted at specific user groups or application fields.

In the long run, we'd also like to take the idea of producing marketing material beyond printed material and develop booth setups, giveaways, CDs, etc. to support conference organizers and local user groups wishing to promote Python at their events.

6.3   Moving PyPI to Amazon CloudFront

The project leader, M.A. Lemburg, Moving PyPI to Amazon CloudFront, reported on progress for the month:

"The project is currently on hold, since the team members don't have time to put into this."

According to M. A. Lemburg, there is nothing new to report for this month. He said:

"I'm beginning to believe that doing a sprint of sorts would likely be the best way to move this forward, but I currently don't have more cycles to spare (the brochure project has turned out to be very work intense), so can't lead such an effort at the moment.

I'm currently looking for a new project lead with more time available."

In terms of having any issues surrounding his project, M. A. Lemburg reported no issues except one: he said, he just does not have enough time to devote to his Moving PyPI to Amazon CloudFront project.

    1. Lemburg also reported on the future plans for this project:

"Check to see whether a trigger based approach to S3 syncing wouldn't be easier to implement right from the start."

6.4   Outreach and Education Committee (OEC)

J. McKellar, Outreach and Education Committee Vice-Chair, provided the reporting issues &/or blockages this committee may have been faced with for the pass few months. She said:

Since it's been a while since we've had an update, this report reflects activity by the committee from April through the present.

Jessica reported on the committee's activities from April to the present. Please see the following report:

6.4.1   Grant proposals

  • DECLINED: PSF sponsorship for the Ada Initiative's AdaCamp DC in July

  • APPROVED: $350 grant for helping women to attend PyCamp 2012, the yearly Python Argentina outdoors sprint

    Proposed by Facundo Batista, the grant will assist 4 to 5 women in attending the event.

6.4.2   Discussions

  • PyLadies PyCon 2012 sponsorship final report
  • Raspberry Pis for DIYgirls

DIYgirls is a maker community for women and girls in Los Angeles:

Luz Rivas from DIYgirls got in touch with us about the possibility of applying for some of the Raspberry Pis the PSF ordered, to run some workshops with the group. Steve Holden is in charge of developing plans for distributing the devices.

  • Membership in Outreach and Education
The PSF board voted David Mertz chair and Jessica McKellar vice-chair of the committee for the upcoming year.
  • Outreach and education in the Ruby community
Jessica McKellar reported on new outreach initiatives in the Boston Ruby community that have been directly inspired by the Boston Python Workshop. They are now running monthly beginner-friendly Project Nights modeled on the Boston Python user group's Project Nights and are planning an intro to Ruby event for women this summer.
  • Meeting the Python Philippines Pinoy user group in June
Danny Greenfeld started a discussion about sponsorship logistics and strategies for solidifying and growing the group as he and Audrey Roy visit this summer. As you all know, this has snowballed into PyCon Philippines. :)

6.4.3   Updates on previous grants

  • Boston Python Workshop grant, non-local workshop slot #1: PyStar Philly

    The Boston Python Workshop grant series ( brings experienced workshop organizers to user groups to help them bootstrap high-quality, recurring diversity outreach events.

    The first of 3 slots went to PhillyPUG and its outreach arm PyStar Philly. PyStar Philly ran a 1.5-day workshop the weekend of February 3rd, for roughly 30 attendees. The event was led by Dana Bauer and Maneesha Sane.

    This $700 grant covered:

    • the travel expenses for 2 experienced Boston Python Workshop staffers (Jessica McKellar and Christine Spang) to go to Philadelphia to help organize and staff the event
    • food (snacks, Saturday lunch) for the workshop
    • dinner for a follow-up Project Night

    PyStar Philly organizer / PhillyPUG organizer Dana Bauer wrote this blog post reflecting on the event and outreach in the Python community:

    PyStar Philly workshop alum-turned-instructor Pam Selle has this write-up, which has some nice photos:

  • Boston Python Workshop grant, non-local workshop slot #2: Indianapolis Python Workshop

    The Boston Python Workshop grant series ( brings experienced workshop organizers to user groups to help them bootstrap high-quality, recurring diversity outreach events.

    The second of 3 slots went to Indianapolis. IndyPy ran a 1.5-day workshop the weekend of April 13th, for roughly 20 attendees. The event was co-located with Indiana LinuxFest and led by Catherine Devlin and Mel Chua.

This $700 grant covered:

  • the travel expenses for 1 experienced Boston Python Workshop staffers (Jessica McKellar) to go to Indianapolis to help organize and staff the event
  • food (snacks, Saturday lunch) for the workshop

You can read more about the event on Catherine's blog:

6.5   PyCon Chair Report

E. Jodlowska, PSF Event Coordinator, reported on her activity involvement with "Other PSF Conferences". She listed the following:

  • Sent tips for finding locations to PyCon Africa with some tips and offered my help whenever they may need it
  • Sent tips for organization to a python meeting happening in October in Chapel Hill, NC
  • Working on attending EuroPython.

Ewa also reported on other event activities for the month. Please see the following report:

PyCon AV Management

Nothing to Report for May 2012

PyCon Budgeting

  • Worked with Van on how to properly enter invoice items into the budget. This was an exercise mainly for those invoices that apply to more than one category in the budget.
  • I have entered all F&B costs into the Catering tab of the 2012 budget. It matched with all the F&B ledger expenses we put in for the Hyatt and the SCCC.
  • I am working on separating each hotel bill into the following categories: staff rooms, FA rooms, attendee refunds. The Hyatt and Marriott are complete. I am working on
  • Worked on CTE registration numbers vs. Kurt's QBOL Registration numbers

PyCon Catering

Nothing to Report for May 2012

PyCon Contract Negotiations

  • 2013 Santa Clara Convention Center Contract was adjusted. I have released half of the 200 rooms. This has decreased our deposit and final amount. I have also succeed in extending the deadline for the 2013 deposit until we close the books on 2012.
  • 2013 Hyatt Regency contract was adjusted. I have released all Sprint rooms on Thursday March 21st since we will have it at the CC as we did in 2012 since not many people are left and it makes it easier to pack up and ship things out. We have released the ballroom for the beginning of the show since AV does not need more than one day to set them up. This was approved by Carl for 2013. This has decreased out F&B minimum at the Hyatt by $10,000.
  • I have decided to have the Sprint food for Thursday the 21st at the convention center instead of the Hyatt. Their lunch are cheaper and this is possible since our commitment at the Hyatt has been lowered.
  • I am working on increasing the commission at the Avatar for 2013.
  • 2014 Convention Center contract was adjusted. I have increased the lunch space and also increased the amount of tutorial rooms that were on hold to 8.
  • Working on replacing Freeman for 2013. Freeman has high prices for sponsors, we received complaints about their union workers, and they charged us a high amount for electricity (mainly in labor - after the fact they would not budge in working out a way to lower that cost even though we have been repetitive customers). Looking into using Tricord. Have sent RFP to GES as well. The response I received from Tricord is overall 2/3 less in cost than Freeman was. They have much better prices for our sponsors as well. For electrical alone, the cost would be half of what we paid in 2012.
  • Working on AV bids for 2014/15. Sent RFP to Tallen Inc. Waiting back on response.

PyCon Electrical

Nothing to Report for May 2012

PyCon Exhibit Hall

Nothing to Report for May 2012

PyCon Financial Aid

  • Assisted Jorge Vargas, Ivan Miric, Ricardo Restituyo, and Jamiel Almeida with their FA distribution. They were under the impression that they owed money to the PSF for their hotel room. Since there was two FA recipients per room, they actually did not end up using all of the assigned hotel FA. They stayed a total of 18 nights (9 nights per room) and the total they were granted was 22 nights.

Future Event Planning

Nothing to Report for May 2012

PyCon Hotel/CC Management

Nothing to Report for May 2012

PyCon Housing Management

Nothing to Report for May 2012

PyCon Internet

Nothing to Report for May 2012

PyCon Printing

Nothing to Report for May 2012

PyCon Registration Management

-The following list is what we are looking to improve/add for 2013:

  1. We would like for people to be able to add on tutorials after they register for the conference/ to be able to add things at a later time.
  2. Create a web app for me to use to create promo codes for registration (Chad and I discussed this in 2012 but it was too late). Limited Corwin access would be great, but I know that's a stretch.
  3. We need an exhibitor registration site.
  4. No bag ticket for tutorial only people. Have different badge colors for tutorial only/expo only people.
  5. Add meal explanation to CTE reg site. I want to have links on the site that will list the lunch menus. We want to sell lunch tickets separate from conference reg since it is impossible to please everyone for lunch. The conference pass will be sold without a lunch ticket. The lunch ticket will have to be added if desired by attendee on the site (per day).
  6. Add option to buy PyCon 2013 shirt on the registration site. Have the deadline be 2 weeks before the conference so this gives enough time to order the t-shirts needed.
  7. We will want to show how many tickets are left for the conference on the PyCon site. This will involve integration with CTE.
  • I will have a conference call/meeting with Larry Skaja the week of June 4th to discuss the above points. He has mentioned that most of this can be done, but now we have to work on the price and execution timeline.

PyCon Site Visits

  • Preparing for Montreal Site Visit June 12 with Jesse, Yannick, and Mathieu

  • I have narrowed down the list to 7 hotels to visit during the site visit:

    InterContinental (across the street from CC) Delta Centre-Ville Holiday-Inn Select Hyatt Regency Hotel Dauphin Westin (next to CC) Hotel Place D-Armes

  • The Convention Center contract for 2014 will be signed June 13th during site visit

  • I had a conference call with Montreal about the future site visit and conference with Paolo. We discussed what our main concentration is for the site visit. We also discussed the Montreal kiosk for 2013. It will be placed by registration and it will be manned during the entire conference.

  • We have discussed how the space we have been assigned is spread through out 4 floors (2,4,5,7). We need to concentrate during the site visit to come up with the best flow for the conference.

  • I have also planned a trip (morning of June 14) to visit around town in order to obtain as much info as possible about attractions and things to do for the Venue page of the 2014 website.

  • I will discuss commission rates with the hotels. Their prices are much higher than what PyCon is used to. I will be doing a complete budget for this during the site visit since Montreal grants us a certain amount of money.

PyCon Sponsors

  • I am working on finalizing the new Sponsor Prospectus. We have added a new sponsor package and there is a limit of one for this sponsorship.
  • We have added an opening reception for Thursday night so this will give an extra "day" for sponsors to have face time with the attendees.
  • More info for the sponsors was added to the Prospectus about the conference, expo hall, and job fair.
  • A complete (aesthetic) redesign is being done to the prospectus.
  • I have requested feedback from the Sponsors on the Job Fair. We only received 2 responses. From this response we will increase the space used in Exhibit Hall A for 2013 since the traffic was so great.

PyCon Website Management

Nothing to Report for May 2012

6.6   Sprint Committee (SC)

B. Curtin, Sprint Committee Chair, reported that there were no issues or blockages surrounding any sprint activities for the month.

As far as the continued activities from last month, he reported:


On his report of the new activities for the month, he reported:

Reimbursements are in the works for the OpenHatch and PyLadies/Poland sprint.

We received applications for and approved two new sprints this month. The upcoming PyPy sprint as well as the upcoming PyCon Philippines sprints will be receiving our sponsorship.

In terms of the new activities planned for next month. He wrote:

Follow and promote the upcoming PyPy and PyCon Philippines sprints on our blog, twitter, etc.

As far as the ongoing projects and the tabled activities for this committee, he reported:


6.7   Trademarks Committee (TMC)

D. Mertz, Trademarks Committee Chair, reported on issues & blockages for the month. He reported:

  • Never really received a formal answer from PSF counsel about whether assignment of derived logos to the PSF might allow us to grant broader permission (for what would then, hypothetically) be PSF trademarks.
  • Need to locate someone to create a better unified record of all the trademarks authorizations and refusals made by the committee. The PSF Secretary/Administrator has agreed to take this on, but as far as I know, no progress has yet been made? The information on actions is all there in mailing list archives, but not in any nicely digestible form (such as on a Wiki or a Google Docs spreadsheet).
  • Waiting for PSF chair to locate/negotiate with a European counsel to contest a trademark registration for the word 'Python' for a web hosting company which seems to use multiple trade names (but Tim Poultney CEO and Veber [] seem to be main identities). They have been fairly uncooperative in informal inquiries.

As far as reporting on new activities, however, he provided the following list of items:

  • Late April: Teemu Otala <info at> finalized a requested modification to his logo design for use on stickers (intact shape, etc). I clarified that there was no requirement to use "tm" or "®" with the logo, but no prohibition on doing so either.
  • Early May (but late response): Ole Zorn <olezorn at> requested permission to use the name "Pythonista" for an iOS Python IDE. The permission was granted.
  • Mid May: Van Lindberg modified the PSF contributor agreement so that we could get Tim Parkin to assign his PSF and PSF-HAM logos to us. I'm not sure if the Administrator has received those signed agreements. Tickler to self to followup with Tim and Pat on this.
  • Mid May: Jesus Cea <jcea at> requested use of a derived logo for Python-Madrid. The logo is very nice ( and is non-dilutive. We approved it. Per the below "New Activity" item, we also requested that the PSF get (and pay for as needed) some copies of the T-shirts they produce.
  • Mid May: Clarification for Donald Stufft <donald.stufft at> that we do not currently have a PyPI logo, but we do not authorize him to create one either. We advised him simply to use textual links to PyPI from his site (
  • Late May: Andrzej Ambroz <andrzej.ambroz at> requested use of a 3D-ized version of Python logo for Blender 3D. We happily approved that.
  • Late May: Discussion with Marc-Andre Lemburg about which version of logo to use for EuroPython materials (recommendation for "white and dark blue :-)).
  • Late May: Vincent Pelletier <vincent at> requested use of a slightly modified logo (shape and colors intact, just "snakes" on top of a computer box) for a presentation a conference. We OK'd that.
  • Early June: Odd Magnus Rosbach <patchie at> created a derived logo for "Python Norge" and requested permission to use that logo at the organization name itself, for providing educational materials in Norwegian. The logo is the logo-plus-word design with the extra word "Norge" added below, and looks quite nice. All use was approved.
  • Early June: Ralf Kilian < at> asked for clarification of the color of the "eyes" of the snakes when the logo is used on a black background. TC members seemed to differ in opinions of this, but as Chair I declare that as long as the shape of the eyes is preserved, we consider the shape of the logo intact, and aesthetic judgments about that color is up to the user (as is color of the overall design).
  • Early June: A bit of a sensitive negotiation with Daniel Greenfeld <pydanny at> and Mark Steve Samson <contact at> of PyCon Philippines. Despite being very pleased about the upcoming conference--and being told about it in person even by Audrey and Danny--I had failed to notice that the group used a dilutive and violating modification of the Python logo until Danny requested its use on T-shirts. Happily, after a bit of back-and-forth, it appears that Mark Steve Samson created an attractive alternate design that is non-dilutive that I anticipate PyCon Philippines will use on both their website and in any physical items produced.
  • Mid June: "Martin v. Löwis" <martin at> requested use of a modified logo for a Metro App. While I must question the wisdom of creating a Metro App as a general principle :-), his simple outline was OK except for having a slight chop-off of the top of the logo (inadvertent we are sure). We approved it with mention that he should fix the technical flaw.

David also reported on "other new activities", he said:

  • Planned policy for the future to try to get "swag" items from various users of Python logo on physical items, including paying moderate amounts to have producers create a few extra of each thing to provide to the PSF. Any amounts that might be spent are way under the $500 discretionary amount the TC Chair has as a Director (i.e. maybe tens of dollars at a time). Obviously, swag we want is items the TC has approved as non-infringing. Such items will be distributed at conferences or other events, perhaps as "prizes" in manners TBD.

As far as activities "planned for next month", he reported:

  • None

However, he reported the following "ongoing projects":

  • Not sure if PSF chair has sent a DMCA takedown notice to the US-based hosting company for a Philippines company that has been using the name "Phyton Marketing" accompanied by the exact Python logo. This is clearly a malicious use, that I've mentioned in previous reports. Unfortunately, 3-4 emails about this to Van went AWOL because of his spam filtering, but as of recently, he promised to do a DMCA through his law office.
  • Late May: Willian Paixão <willian.paixaoo at> requested use of some version or variant of the logo on T-shirts. We requested a specific image he intended to use, but did not receive a followup reply. Tickler to followup to see if he's developed that.

6.8   Google Summer of Code (GSoC)

A. Riley, Google Summer of Code (GSoC), reported on the issues and/or blockages this program is currently faced with. He reported:


Arc also reported on the continued activities from last month when he wrote:

  1. Google Summer of Code 2012 work continues.
  1. Riley reported on new activities for the month. He wrote:


As far as the planned activities for next month, he reported:

  1. Midterm evaluations.

Additionally, Arc reported on "ongoing projects" with the GSoC project and on "tabled activities", respectively:

6.9   Ongoing Projects

Summer of Code 2012 will be ongoing until August.

6.10   Tabled Activities

  1. Discussion with rejected mentors regarding why they were not accepted this year. This is being picked up this month.

7   2012 SciPy Conference Funding

RESOLVED, that the PSF provide a grant of USD 1375 to sponsor the SciPy 2012 Conference to be held in Austin, Texas.

Approved on 2012-06-18, 6-0-0.

8   2012 PyCon DE Conference Funding

RESOLVED, that the PSF provide a grant of USD 1500 to sponsor the PyCon DE 2012 Conference to be held in Leipzig, Germany.

Approved on 2012-06-18, 5-0-1.

9   Membership Application for

RESOLVED, that the board recommends as a pending sponsor member.

Approved on 2012-06-18, 6-0-0.

10   The Appointment of a PSF Vice-Chairman

The board discussed the appointment of a Vice-Chairman.

RESOLVED, that Marc-Andre Lemburg be appointed Vice-Chairman of the PSF.

This motion was postponed on 2012-06-18, then, Approved on 2012-25-06,5-3-2.

11   Spending for Liability Insurance

RESOLVED, , that the Treasurer is authorized to expend up to $2000 per year for Liability, Property Loss, and Directors and Officers Management Liability insurance. Extended insurance for PyCon is not included in this resolution, as it is part of the yearly PyCon budget.

Approved on 2012-06-18, 6-0-0.

12   Other Business

12.1   2012 PyCon Philippines Conference Funding

S. Holden & J. Noller used their board of director's discretionary spending to provide grant funding of $577 to the organizers of the 2012 PyCon Philippines Conference at the Silver Sponsorship level.

12.2   Membership Involvement

In the June 25th meeting,V. Lindberg and board members discussed and many agreed on finding ways to assist and encourage the membership to contribute to the foundation by becoming more involved in PSF-related activities.

13   Adjournment

M,A. Lemburg adjourned the 2012-06-18 meeting at 16:31 UTC and V. Lindberg adjourned the 2012-06-25 meeting at 17:00 UTC.