A regular meeting of the Python Software Foundation ("PSF") Board of Directors was held over Internet Relay Chat beginning at 16:01 UTC, 26 July 2010. Steve Holden presided at the meeting. David Mertz prepared the minutes.
All votes are reported in the form "Y-N-A" (in favor ? opposed ? abstentions; e.g. "5-1-2" means "5 in favor, 1 opposed, and 2 abstentions").
- 1 Attendance
- 2 Minutes of Past Meetings
- 3 Votes Taken Between Meetings
- 4 Treasurer Report
- 5 Progress Report
- 6 Funding of Jean-Paul Calderone for a port of pyOpenSSL to Python 3.x
- 7 Funding of Brett Cannon for Python core development
- 8 Donation to American Heart Association
- 9 Reauthorization of the Trademarks Committee
- 10 Funding of PyCon Argentina and Python Brasil
- 11 Discussion of Email Balloting
- 12 Electronic Contributor Agreements
- 13 Adjournment
1 Attendance
The following members of the Board of Directors were present at the meeting: Steve Holden, Gloria Willadsen, Jeff Rush, Marc-André Lemburg, Jesse Noller, David Mertz, Tim Peters, Douglas Napoleone [joined meeting at 16:08], James Tauber [joined meeting at 16:10], Raymond Hettinger [joined meeting at 16:39]. Also in attendance was Kurt Kaiser (treasurer).
2 Minutes of Past Meetings
The 10 May 2010 Board meeting minutes were approved during this month's meeting session.
Approved, 6-0-1.
The 21 June 2010 Board meeting minutes were approved during this month's meeting session.
Approved, 4-0-3.
3 Votes Taken Between Meetings
There were no votes taken since the last Board meeting on 21 June 2010.
4 Treasurer Report
The montly Treasurer's Report was provided to Board members by K. Kaiser prior to the Board meeting.
The board discussed how to respond to Wendroff's request for increase in fees from the previously contracted amounts; dissatisfaction with the level of service from Wendroff was discussed. The Chair will explore other options for future accounting service.
5 Progress Report
Jesse Noller reported funding of 2 sprints, one in Canada and one at Europython, and the potential to fund 2-3 in the upcoming months. He reports 2 potential donors and plenty of donated space for sprints, including space donation by Microsoft.
6 Funding of Jean-Paul Calderone for a port of pyOpenSSL to Python 3.x
The board voted on the funding motion.
RESOLVED, that the PSF offers a USD 3,000 grant to Jean-Paul Calderone for a fully functional port of pyOpenSSL to Python 3.x with an API as similar to the 2.x API as possible.
Approved, 9-0-0.
7 Funding of Brett Cannon for Python core development
The board discussed the funding request previously submitted in writing by Brett Cannon.
RESOLVED, that the PSF offers a USD 4,500 grant to work full-time for a period of two months on Python core development as outlined in the proposal PDF (http://mail.python.org/mailman/private/psf-board/attachments/20100614/62bbf3b8/attachment-0001.pdf).
Approved, 9-0-0.
8 Donation to American Heart Association
The board voted on a charitable donation in memory of Tim Costello.
RESOLVED, that the PSF donate $100 to the American Heart Association in memory of Tim Costello, the uber- technician of CTE who recently passed-away.
Approved, 9-0-0.
9 Reauthorization of the Trademarks Committee
The board discussed a revised membership and continuation of the Trademarks Committee.
RESOLVED, that the Board reauthorize the Trademarks Committee, with a membership consisting of Chair David Mertz, and members Marc-Andre Lemburg, David Goodger, James Tauber, Doug Napoleone. Further resolve that the Chair shall be authorized to appoint or remove such advisors to the committee as s/he sees fit, where advisors may offer advice to the committee on legal or technical issues but shall not vote in discussions nor count towards quorum.
Approved, 5-0-3.
10 Funding of PyCon Argentina and Python Brasil
The board discussed a funding request that would cover joint funding of speakers to appear at both time-adjacent conferences. The original request was felt to be underspecified, heed was taken to current financial limitations fo the PSF, and the board reached a clarified motion.
RESOLVED, that the PSF offers a grant of US$2500 to the organizers of the PyCon Argentina & Python Brasil 2010 conferences to be held October 2010, to fund the travel expenses of keynote speakers.
Approved, 9-0-0.
11 Discussion of Email Balloting
Concern was expressed that Secretary Pat Campbell's health issue may prevent her from conducting the planned election to follow the recent EuroPython.
Consensus was reached that the board should wait two weeks to see if Pat is comfortable with conducting the election at such time; further consensus was reached that should she be unable to conduct this election, another a principled non-PSF member would be suitable to conduct the balloting (with technical assistance from David Mertz, as needed).
12 Electronic Contributor Agreements
The board discussed whether electronic signatures would be legally appropriate for contributor agreements and whether use of them would make it easier to optain such agreements. Jeff Rush agreed to research the issue.
13 Adjournment
Steve Holden adjourned the meeting at 17:10 UTC.