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The Python Software Foundation
Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors

April 12, 2010

A regular meeting of the Python Software Foundation ("PSF") Board of Directors was held over Internet Relay Chat beginning at 16:00 UTC, 12 April 2010. Steve Holden presided at the meeting. Pat Campbell prepared the minutes.

All votes are reported in the form "Y-N-A" (in favor — opposed — abstentions; e.g. "5-1-2" means "5 in favor, 1 opposed, and 2 abstentions").

1   Attendance

The following members of the Board of Directors were present at the meeting: Raymond Hettinger, Steve Holden, Marc-Andre Lemburg, David Mertz [joined meeting at 16:09], Doug Napoleone, Jesse Noller, Tim Peters, Allison Randal, and Jeff Rush, Greg Stein, James Tauber, Martin v. Löwis [left meeting at 16:58], Gloria Willadsen. Also in attendance were Kurt Kaiser (Treasurer), and Pat Campbell (Secretary & Administrator).

2   Minutes of Past Meetings

The 8 February 2010 and 8 March 2010 Board meeting minutes were approved during this month's meeting session.

8 February 2010: Approved, 10-0-2 8 March 2010: Approved, 9-0-3

3   Votes Taken Between Meetings

There were no votes taken since the last Board meeting on 08 March 2010.

4   Treasurer Report

A preliminary version of the monthly Treasurer's Report was provided to Board members by K. Kaiser prior to the Board meeting.

5   Progress Report

To add to K. Kaiser's monthly financial report of PyCon 2010, V. Lindberg provided the board with an additional financial update shortly after the board meeting had adjourned.

6   Election of Board Officers

The following Officers were elected:

  • President: Guido van Rossum
  • Chairman: Steve Holden
  • Secretary: Pat Campbell
  • Treasurer: Kurt Kaiser
  • PyCon Chairman: Van Lindberg

Further discussion to elect more officers and create new officer positions such as Membership Communications Officer, Voting Officer, etc. was deferred to email and will continue at next month's board meeting.

7   Appointment of Infrastructure Committee Chairman

R. Hettinger: "Sean [Reifschneider] is expected to abstain from votes about his own company."

S. Holden: "We do need to discuss the conflict of interest situation with him, but I agree with T. Peters' suggestion that we trust him to recuse himself from decisions where might profit."

RESOLVED, that Sean Reifschneider be appointed chairman of the Infrastructure Committee.

Approved, 13-0-0.

8   Appointment of Trademarks Committee Chairman

RESOLVED, that David Mertz be appointed chairman of the Trademarks Committee.

Approved, 11-0-1

9   Funding of PyCon Italy 2010

The board discussed funding of PyCon Italy and agreed to provide a grant to conference organizers. However, S. Holden reminded board members of the limited funding available in the 2010 PSF budget for conference funding.

RESOLVED, that the PSF grant US$4,000 to PyCon Italy 2010.

Approved, 10-0-3.

10   Funding of Kiwi PyCon 2010

The board discussed funding of Kiwi PyCon 2010.

RESOLVED, that the PSF sponsor Kiwi PyCon 2010 at the "Silver" rate of NZ$1,000.

Approved, 8-0-4.

11   Contributor Agreements - Methods to Pursue Coverage

M.A Lemburg: "Who will be continuing Andrew [Kuchling's] effort?"

  1. Hettinger: "I am continuing the effort."
  2. Holden: "...It is important work."

This discussion was deferred to email in order for members to pursue the remaining coverage of the Python code base which is nearly at 100%.

12   PSF Community Service Award Nominations for 2010 - 2nd Quarter

The Board decided that the award candidate pool should first be broaden to include more candidates then nominations for the award would resume. Therefore, the discussion was deferred to email.

13   PSF Members Vote Counting Requirement Waived

Motion from Marc-Andre Lemburg:

RESOLVED, that the new SECTION 4.10 clause vote counting scheme becomes effective today, i.e. failure to vote in the April 3, 2010 members election does not count toward the missed votes count.

Approved, 11-0-0

14   Other Business

The board briefly discussed payment to D. Goodger for expenses he incurred over time. This discussion was deferred to email.

15   Adjournment

S. Holden adjourned the meeting at 17:30 UTC.