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The Python Software Foundation
Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors

December 21, 2009

A regular meeting of the Python Software Foundation ("PSF") Board of Directors was held over Internet Relay Chat beginning at 17:15 UTC, 21 December 2009 (continued from the meeting of December 14, 2009). Steve Holden presided at the meeting. Pat Campbell prepared the minutes.

All votes are reported in the form "Y-N-A" (in favor — opposed — abstentions; e.g. "5-1-2" means "5 in favor, 1 opposed, and 2 abstentions").

1   Attendance

The following members of the Board of Directors were present at the meeting: Brett Cannon, Steve Holden, Martin v. Löwis, David Mertz, Tim Peters, and Jeff Rush. Also in attendance were David Goodger (Secretary), Kurt Kaiser (Treasurer), and Pat Campbell (Administrator).

2   Minutes of Past Meetings

No action was taken at this meeting.

3   Votes Taken Between Meetings

There were no votes taken since the last Board meeting on 14 December.

5   PSF Budget for 2010

K. Kaiser: "We are all agreed, I think that we need a budget and that it should compare with previous years."

S. Holden: "The question is, are we prepared to commit to being guided by the budget figures I prepared?"

K. Kaiser: "We have a page on the PSF website. I'll see to it that it is up-to-date with financials and tax filings."

S. Holden: "The point is first of all to start planning. Then we can improve our planning. The accountants [Wendroff] should be providing a much better picture of our position on a monthly basis this year."

RESOLVED, that the PSF adopt the budget proposed in to guide its operations in 2010.

Approved, 4-0-2.

[113] K. Kaiser will update the PSF website to reflect the changes on financial & tax filing data.

[114] K. Kaiser will archive the 2010 Budget.

6   PSF Community Service Award Nominations for 2009-4th Qtr.

Two Nominees for the 2009 - 4th quarter PSF Community Service Award were selected.

[Details temporarily omitted from the public minutes, to be restored after the announcement.]

[115] P. Campbell will mail out awards to 4th quarter recipients of the PSF Community Service Award for 2009.

[116] S. Holden will write a congratulatory letter to the 4th quarter PSF Community Service Award recipients for 2009 and write a PSF blog entry about their contributions to the community.

[117] D. Goodger will update the PSF Wiki website to reflect the change in dollar amount (cash award changed to $500) allocated for a PSF Community Service Award recipient.

7   "Python Swallowed Whole" Book Project

S. Holden: ""Python Swallowed Whole" is a collaborative project with Pearson's to get up to 30 distinguished Pythonistas to contribute a chapter for a book about Python. R. Hettinger has prepared a list of potential contributors."

D. Mertz: "I've talked with R. Hettinger about the [book] idea."

T. Peters: "Is the project asking the PSF for something tangible?"

D. Mertz: "R. Hettinger's idea is to "honor" the work of a bunch of core developers by having them write about what they've done."

S. Holden: "So this discussion was more of a heads-up than anything else. It would be good to have all directors' support."

8   Funding for Python Miro Community Website

S. Holden: "Can we see a tangible or intangible benefit to the Python community?"

M. von Löwis: "I think we shouldn't do that. They start with "the objective of this grant is to reduce the difficulty of finding and disseminating videos related to Python," I disagree with the preposition: Python videos are not difficult to find."

D. Mertz: "I don't see enough benefit to fund it at levels like they are requesting."

J. Rush: "I agree, just finding them [Python videos] is not hard but I'd hoped it would also critique or filter them too."

S. Holden: "It's not difficult to find Python videos, but it's not easy to find a specific video. It would be nice to see that work of tagging and indexing done."

M. von Löwis: "I think we should ask the members whether they think that a "Miro community" is something useful to have."

Further discussion deferred to the PSF members email list.

9   PSF Members Meeting at PyCon 2010

Further preparations are being made by the board for the PSF members meeting to be held at PyCon 2010. All nominations and deadlines will be listed on the wiki page.

10   IRC Policy

B. Cannon initiated a discussion about the possibilities of an IRC policy. Due to time constraints on the board meeting, this discussion was deferred to email.

11   Adjournment

S. Holden adjourned the meeting at 18:15 UTC.