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The Python Software Foundation
Minutes of a Special Meeting of the Board of Directors

March 27, 2009

A special meeting of the Python Software Foundation ("PSF") Board of Directors was held at PyCon 2009 in Rosemont/Chicago at 18:30 CDT (23:30 UTC), 27 March 2009. David Goodger prepared these minutes.

1   Attendance

The following members of the Board of Directors were present at the meeting: Brett Cannon, David Goodger, Raymond Hettinger, Steve Holden, Andrew Kuchling, Martin von Löwis, David Mertz, Jeff Rush, and James Tauber. Also in attendance were Kurt Kaiser (Treasurer), Van Lindberg (Counsel), and Pat Campbell (Administrator).

2   Election of Officers

The following Officers were elected by acclamation:

  • President: Guido van Rossum
  • Chairman: Steve Holden
  • Executive Vice President: Brett Cannon
  • Secretary: David Goodger
  • Treasurer: Kurt Kaiser
  • Assistant Treasurer: Raymond Hettinger

3   Committees

The charters of the currently active committees, the Infrastructure Committee (IC) and the Trademarks Committee (TMC), were renewed.

4   New Members

[51] D. Goodger and P. Campbell will inform the new members of their election, invite them to join the psf-members list, and will update the membership records.

5   PSF Community Awards

The Board agreed to present Mary Rush and Carl Karsten with PSF Community Awards, to be announced during a plenary session at PyCon.

Two other nominations were noted for future awards.

[52] P. Campbell will add "PSF Community Award nominations" to the Board agenda quarterly.

6   Discussion

  • D. Goodger noted that the Board should start thinking about nominations for the Frank Willison Award (awarded by O'Reilly annually at OSCON).
  • The possibility of PSF meetings at EuroPython should be explored.
  • The PSF's response to a case of abuse of the Python trademarks was discussed.
  • R. Hettinger asked that PyCon costs be discussed in the near future.

7   Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 19:00 CDT.