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The Python Software Foundation
Minutes of a Special Meeting of the Board of Directors

March 14, 2008

A special meeting of the Python Software Foundation ("PSF") Board of Directors was held at PyCon 2008 in Rosemont/Chicago at 18:30 CDT (23:30 UTC), 14 March 2008. David Goodger prepared these minutes.

1   Attendance

The following members of the Board of Directors were present at the meeting: Brett Cannon, Stephan Deibel, David Goodger, Raymond Hettinger, Steve Holden, Martin von Löwis, and James Tauber. Also in attendance were Neil Norwitz and Guido van Rossum.

2   Election of Officers

The following Officers were elected by acclamation:

  • President: Guido van Rossum
  • Secretary: David Goodger
  • Treasurer: Kurt Kaiser
  • Assistant Treasurer: Raymond Hettinger
  • Chairman: Steve Holden

3   Motion to Dissolve the Conference Committee

M. von Löwis moved:

WHEREAS the role of the Conference Committee is to advise the PyCon Chair and the PyCon organizing committee, and

WHEREAS this role is effectively being filled by the PSF Board of Directors, be it

RESOLVED, that the Conference Committee be dissolved, and that the PyCon Chair be an Officer of the Foundation.

Approved unanimously (7-0-0).

4   Discussion

The following topics were discussed:

  • Sponsor membership fee increase?

  • Non-participating members.

  • What should we do with the PSF's money?

    • We need a budget.

    • G. van Rossum: Grants to core development?

    • B. Cannon: Use the money for core sprints? Around 20 people.

      G. van Rossum: Combine a sprint with EuroPython?

      Regarding a possible PSF-sponsored core sprint at EuroPython, S. Holden will contact Laura Creighton for information.

    • S. Holden: Have two in-person Board meetings per year? Teleconferencing/videoconferencing were discussed as options.

  • We should promote the Software Carpentry project.

  • The new PSF Board members (J. Tauber & R. Hettinger) were informed of the infrastructure (psf-board mailing list, monthly IRC meeting, etc.).

  • D. Goodger will inform the new members of their election, and invite them to join the psf-members list.

  • The Board agrees that EuroPython is worthwhile supporting.

  • The "PyCon" mark should be used as a "brand" for national-level conferences.

5   Schedule for Board Meetings on IRC

The Board agreed to reschedule the monthly PSF Board of Directors IRC meetings to 12:00 (noon) in the U.S. Eastern time zone (regardless of standard time or daylight saving time). Meetings will remain on the second Monday of each month.

6   Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 19:20 CDT.