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The Python Software Foundation
Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors

October 8, 2007

A regular meeting of the Python Software Foundation ("PSF") Board of Directors was held over Internet Relay Chat beginning at 17:00 UTC, 8 October 2007. Stephan Deibel presided at the meeting. David Goodger prepared these minutes.

1   Attendance

The following members of the Board of Directors were present at the meeting: Stephan Deibel, David Goodger, Brett Cannon, Martin von Löwis, Tim Peters, Andrew Kuchling, and Steve Holden. Also in attendance was Kurt Kaiser (Treasurer).

2   Minutes of Past Meetings

The 10 September 2007 Board meeting minutes were approved by a 6-0-1 vote (in favor – opposed – abstentions).

3   Status of Past Action Items

(Pending action items appear like this.)

3.1   Carried Forward

The following are action items carried forward from the 10 September 2007 meeting, as highlighted in the minutes (Section 3, Status of Past Action Items):

  1. Originally from October 2005, Section 4, Public Support Committee: D. Goodger will pursue web page and installer donation link ideas.

    Status: carried forward.

  2. Originally from June 2006, Section 6, PSF Records: The Board agreed to assemble the existing records in one place, have them scanned, and enter them into the PSF data repository. D. Goodger will coordinate this work and maintain the records.

    Status: carried forward.

  3. Originally from August 2006, Section 10: T. Peters will ask the advice of Larry Rosen regarding concerns with the contributor agreement.

    Status: carried forward.

  4. Originally from December 2006, Section 4, Jython Contributor Agreements: A. Kuchling will write to the Jython contributors and ask them to sign contributor agreement forms.

    Status: carried forward.

  5. Originally from March 2007, Section 12, Awards: S. Holden will prepare a proposal for a PSF awards program.

    Status: carried forward.

  6. Originally from March 2007, Section 18, Bylaw Change Survey: S. Holden will call for a separate discussion of changes to the bylaws.

    Status: carried forward.

  7. Originally from April 2007, Section 6, Python Package Index (Cheese Shop): A. Kuchling will ask Thomas Wouters about increasing the memory on ximinez, and getting another machine for PyPI.

    M. von Löwis to confirm the ximinez memory increase with Thomas Wouters and XS4ALL.

    Status: in progress.

  8. Originally from April 2007, Section 9, New PSF Members: D. Goodger will contact the PSF members not subscribed to the PSF-Members mailing list.

    Status: carried forward.

  9. Originally from May 2007, Section 4, Frank Willison Award: D. Goodger will set up a page on to list the recipients of the Frank Willison Award.

    Status: done.

  10. Originally from May 2007, Section 7, PyCon Uno (Italy): D. Goodger will produce a PSF logo based on the Python logo.

    Status: carried forward.

  11. Originally from May 2007, Section 7, PyCon Uno (Italy): D. Goodger will look into making PSF banners.

    Status: carried forward.

3.2   New in September

These action items originated at the 10 September 2007 board meeting on IRC.

  1. Section 4, Tracker Thank-you Gifts: B. Cannon will prepare a concrete proposal for tracker thank-you gifts, for a Board vote.

    D. Goodger noted that if the amount is within the Director's discretionary amount, it doesn't need a resolution.

    Status: carried forward.

  2. Section 5, Fraud Attempts: A. Kuchling will prepare a statement on fraudulent PSF checks for the website.

    Status: in progress.

4   PSF Address

RESOLVED, that the mailing address of the PSF shall be:

P.O. Box 848
Hampton, NH 03843

Approved 7-0-0.

D. Goodger noted that the address change is already in effect on the website.

5   Budget for PyCon 2008

The PyCon 2008 budget that D. Goodger had prepared was discussed. The baseline expected attendance is 800 people; the projected sponsorship revenue is $50K; $20K is budgeted for financial aid and $5K for travel for keynote speakers; the projected bottom line is a net loss of $16,522.

A. Kuchling expressed doubt at the projected increase in attendance, and noted that at 2007 attendance levels (600 people), the projected loss is over $36K. B. Cannon asked how liberal the budget was. D. Goodger replied, "I think it's conservative re sponsorships".

RESOLVED, that the Board approves the PyCon 2008 budget as recorded in the PSF's CVS repository at pycon/2008/budget.pdf and on the web at The PyCon Chair, David Goodger, is directed to inform the Board of actual or expected variances from the budget of $5,000 or more.

Approved 7-0-0.

6   Use of Python Logo on Business Cards

S. Deibel reported that there was a request from someone to use the Python logo on their business card:

In short, I think we have to allow it unless we want to change our policy that using the logo is ok for "nominative use".

This has a lot of positive implications that people care enough about Python to highlight it on their business card -- as far as the perception among companiest that there are or aren't enough Python programmers out there.

  1. Holden:

    Personally I think we should instead have an approved "I use Python" motif, which incorporates the logo in an approved design.

  1. Cannon:

    I basically don't want the guy to look like he represents the PSF or himself as a developer of Python instead of a developer in Python. I am fine with it, but I don't mind giving his proof a once-over before giving him clearance.

  1. Kuchling:

    I agree that people should be permitted to use the logo on business cards, and don't see how that case is different from using the logo on web sites, icons, etc.

S. Deibel will respond to the request to use the Python logo on business cards, allowing use of the unaltered logo, but making it clear that it can't be used in a misleading way to imply connection with the PSF or being a developer of Python. He will also request a sample for final approval.

7   EuroPython Travel Funding

The PSF agreed to sponsor EuroPython 2007 for $5000, and offered to consider a proposal for additional travel funding. Although no proposal was received, the PSF did receive an invoice from EuroPython for over $16K ($5K sponsorship plus $11K+ for travel funding). This seems to have been the result of a series of misunderstandings.

The misunderstandings and possible resolutions were discussed. Part of the problem may have been that the Board was not copied in discussions; in future, when dealing with money on behalf of the PSF, the Board should be copied. Also, don't write hypothetically; hedge everything with "if the Board accepts the proposal".

The Board agreed that we still need a concrete proposal; no payment will be made on an unsolicited invoice. The original sponsorship amount ($5000) should be invoiced separately.

S. Holden will write to Laura Creighton and to the EuroPython organizers with a summary of our position, to request a concrete proposal for EuroPython travel funding and a justification of need (EuroPython financial position).

8   Google Summer of Code Mentor Summit Report

D. Goodger reported that he just returned from the Google Summer of Code Mentor Summit. A. Kuchling asked if anyone wrote a summary of the results of the PSF projects. D. Goodger: "not yet".

M. von Lowis noted that "James Tauber did a great job running the SoC for us."

D. Goodger will coordinate with James Tauber to write a summary of the results of the PSF projects in the Google Summer of Code.

9   Adjournment

S. Deibel adjourned the meeting at 18:00 UTC.