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The Python Software Foundation
Minutes of Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors

May 10, 2005

A regular meeting of the Python Software Foundation (the "PSF") Board of Directors was held over Internet Relay Chat at 17:00 GMT. Stephan Deibel presided at the meeting.

1. Attendance

The following members of the Board of Directors were present at the meeting: David Ascher, Stephan Deibel, Tim Peters, Andrew Kuchling, and Martin v. Löwis. Kurt Kaiser and Neal Norwitz also attended the meeting. von Löwis took minutes.

2. Meeting minutes of past meetings

The April minutes were approved with a 5-0-0 vote. The December minutes were still missing.

3. PyCon Planning

The board discusses the proposals for venues for the next PyCon. Under consideration was a draft contract with the University of Maryland Community College (UMUC), and Marriott's conference center. Several board members expressed concern about the increase in costs; Peters said PyCon was supposed to be a low-cost community conference. Kuchling explained that the hotel food is the largest cost driver.

Staying with George Washington University was discussed. The main issue is that PyCon's attendance might not fit into the meeting rooms that GWU can provide. Deibel suggested to cap the attendance. Smaller rooms are also available on GWU for further sessions, but they might also be booked already.

von Löwis asked about expected attendance; Kuchling explained that, at a registration fee of $250, he would expect the conference would need 300 to 350 attendants to break even. Predicting these things is difficult, of course.

The time of the event was also discussed. The committee was looking at February 2006; several directores objected that this is hardly "spring", and that a later point in the year should be considered. Kuchling explained that that might cause an increase in hotel charges for the attendees.

Kuchling summarized the discussion as follows: the UMUC proposal was killed, and the board would prefer if attendance fees stayed about the same.

4. Europython

Deibel asked whether the PSF should sponsor something at EuroPython, to refute the impression that the PSF is an U.S. centric. Ascher said that we should not do anything without a champion. Deibel said that he would ask the PSF members list whether there are any volunteers that need support.

5. Grants committee

von Löwis reported that Brian Zimmer had to withdraw from the grant, because of changes in employment. The board agreed to pay that work that was done up to that point.

6. Other business

A number of other things would need to be discussed. Because the meeting was running out of time, they were deferred to email or to the next meeting.

7. Adjournment.

The meeting was adjourned at 19:05 GMT.