The Python Software Foundation
Minutes of Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors
March 8, 2005
A regular meeting of the Python Software Foundation (the "PSF") Board of Directors was held over Internet Relay Chat at 18:00 GMT. Stephan Deibel presided at the meeting.
1. Attendance
The following members of the Board of Directors were present at the meeting: Martin v. Löwis, Stephan Deibel, Steve Holden, and Tim Peters. David Ascher joined the meeting at 18:20, Jeremy Hylton at 18:33. Kurt Kaiser also attended the meeting. Martin took minutes.
2. Meeting minutes approved
The February minutes were approved with a 3-0-2 vote. The December minutes were still missing.
3. Member meeting
Tim reported that Facundo Batista is interested in being a member, but has neither been nominated, nor did he send an application. Tim will make sure that both happen. Stephan reported that Jim Hugunin is also interested, but needs to check with his employer's lawyers to make sure there are no conflicts.
Jeremy will send out the meeting notice to the users in this week; he will also work out a list of members to be converted to emeritus status. On the final proxy form, the actual text of proposed motions is required.
Stephan will make sure summaries/biographies of the new sponsor and nominated members will be available at the meeting
3. Contrib forms
Martin reports that the forms are ready to go. The one remaining isssue is the waiver for small contributions. Stephan answers that the concern of Marc-Andre Lemburg still needs an answer, i.e. what to do about past contributions.
Stephan also said that he considers the proposed solution of waiving the form for contributions with less than 25 lines a reasonable approach. David responded that he thinks this is bizarre notion from a legal POV which he expected has no precedent. Kurt pointed to the official FSF statement on small contributions. Martin will draft a policy, and ask Larry Rosen to clarify the issue of past contributions.