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The Python Software Foundation
Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors
December 14, 2004

A regular meeting of the Python Software Foundation (the "PSF") Board of Directors was held over Internet Relay Chat at 18:00 UTC, December 14, 2004. Stephan Deibel presided at the meeting.

1   Attendance

The following members of the Board of Directors were present at the meeting: David Ascher, Stephan Deibel, Jeremy Hylton, Guido van Rossum, Steve Holden, and Tim Peters.

David Goodger (not in attendance) prepared these minutes from the IRC log recorded by S. Deibel.

2   Meeting minutes of past meetings

The November minutes were approved with a 4-0-2 vote.

3   Grants Committee

The PSF lawyer will draft a proposal contract letter that grant proposers should sign and return. The main points of the letter will be:

  • proposer will do what the proposal states,
  • proposer will send regular progress reports to the PSF Grants Committee, and
  • payment will be made in installments.

The proposals list deliverables and payment will be made in part up front and then after each deliverable is received.

RESOLVED, that the PSF accepts the recommendation of the grants committee to execute the following three projects in 2005:

  1. Brian Zimmer, Moving Jython Forward, US$10,000
  2. Ilya Etingof, implementation of SNMPv3 as a Python library module, US$1,500
  3. Greg Wilson, Software Engineering with Python for Scientists and Engineers, US$27,000

Approved, 5-0-1.

J. Hylton proposed that the runners-up be sent email saying the Grants Committee would have liked to fund their proposals and please come back next year.

S. Deibel proposed possibly approving more funds for runner-up proposals. D. Ascher recommended waiting until we get a better idea whether the current process works.

4   Web Site Redesign

S. Holden has received a request from Tim Parkin to review a more detailed plan, but hasn't had time yet. Once he responds, T. Parkin will submit a proposal which the whole Board can see. S. Deibel deferred the discussion & vote.

5   PyCon

There's a possiblility that G. van Rossum wouldn't be able to attend PyCon. This would cause some disappointment, as it's many people's reason for attending PyCon. S. Holden reports that the current budget has a contingency element that could be used to fund G. van Rossum's costs. Also, the Conference Committee is currently looking for suggestions for other delegates to sponsor to PyCon. S. Deibel mentioned that the board could approve funds separately if necessary.

S. Holden reports that A. Kuchling will chair 2006 if asked. Potential keynote speakers were discussed. Possible venues are being investigated. We would like registration fees to remain at last year's rate, which sees us break even at 210 delegates. The PSF lawyer can review any contract that may be proposed for 2006.

6   Reports

The November treasurer's report was mailed.

Python Support Committee: S. Deibel reports that credit card processing accounts are set up but he's still trying to find someone with access to that he can work with to make the system live. Plus there's some scripting needed to parse emails and such to integrate this with Marc Andre-Lemburg's and Neal Norwitz's setups. S. Holden volunteered to help.

Lawyer for PSF: J. Hylton reports that "Melind Shaw seems to be on board now." In general, he will be able to do things pro bono as long as they aren't very large or have very short deadlines.

7   Contributor Agreement

The contributor agreement form was approved in a unanimous email vote.

8   Adjournment

There being no further business, S. Deibel adjourned the meeting at 18:45 UTC.