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The Python Software Foundation
Minutes of Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors

October 12, 2004

A regular meeting of the Python Software Foundation (the "PSF") Board of Directors was held over Internet Relay Chat at 17:00 GMT. Stephan Deibel presided at the meeting.

1. Attendance

The following members of the Board of Directors were present at the meeting: Jeremy Hylton, Guido van Rossum, Stephan Deibel, David Ascher Martin v. Löwis. Martin was taking minutes.

2. Meeting minutes of past IRC meetings

The August minutes where approved with 3/0/2.

3. Reports

The September treasurer's report was mailed.

Jeremy reported he received a letter from Heather Meeker, David's IP lawyer. He also reported that the 1023 form data was scanned.Jeremy will respond to Heather, and contact the Reed Smith attorney.

Stephan reported that the grants discussion list was created.

Steve Holden reported in email that the PRC isn't doing anything.

Stephan reported for the PSC that credit card acceptance is ready to go live, and that he needs still to process some forms for that.

Martin reported no progress on the contrib forms.

4. Nokia's usage of the Python trademark

Nokia has asked whether they could use the Python trademark. The board discussed this query, and agreed that Nokia should be informed that
  1. we currently don't hold the trademark, but CNRI does
  2. we are trying to transfer the trademark to the PSF
  3. the PSF has no issues with Nokia using the Python trademark
Stephan will respond to Nokia.

5. Grants Committee

Martin reported that the grants committee has received 65 contributions, which were being reviewed, in order to sort out those which stand no chance of being accepted. Many submission ask for the entire budget of $40,000, many of these will be sorted out as too expensive. Jeremy suggested that some of these might receive just a fraction of their requested funds initially, to let the project start, and see later whether they are worth the money.

Stephan asked whether the board could see the proposals; Martin responded that the board had already access. Jeremy observed that the PSF has no privacy statement, so it is unclear who can see the proposals, and in which case. He thinks it is important to limit information. Stephan responded that writing such a policy is on the todo list, but no volunteer has stepped forward, yet.

6. Adjournment

Their being no further business, Stephan adjourned the meeting at 17:40.