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The Python Software Foundation
Minutes of Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors

August 10, 2004

A regular meeting of the Python Software Foundation (the "PSF") Board of Directors was held over Internet Relay Chat at 17:00 GMT. Stephan Deibel presided at the meeting.

1. Attendance

The following members of the Board of Directors were present at the meeting: Jeremy Hylton, Steve Holden, Tim Peters, Stephan Deibel, Martin v. Löwis. David Ascher joined after the first agenda item. Neal Norwitz also attended the meeting. Martin was taking minutes.

2. Meeting minutes of past IRC meetings

The July minutes where approved with 4/0/1.

3. Reports

Neal sent the treasurer report by email before the meeting. Martin asked why rotormodule was announced to BXA when it is going to be removed; Neal explained that it is just deprecated at the moment.

Martin reported that the Grants Committee has published the call, and that first proposals have been received. Also, a number of questions from potential submitters have been received; some of these still need to be answered. Jeremy volunteered to write additional guidelines for submitters. David wondered whether a mailing list for potential submitters should be created where they can discuss issues with the committee; Martin will create such a list.

Stephan reported that the PSC that credit card acceptance is still in the works, but progressing slowly.

Steve reported for the PRC that the Web redesign is well underway, put stalled due to Tim Parkin being busy with paid work. The PRC will also need to work out channels for information such as the grants news.

Jeremy reported that he is still trying to contact the lawyer he was approaching for corporate law issues of the PSF. David asked whether he should contact Heather Meeker for IP issues. The board agreed that it would be a good idea to have specialists for either case. David will ask Heather for a letter of engagement, to be sent to Jeremy.

4. New Python License

Tim asked for comments on the proposed version 2 of the PSF license, in the Wiki. There has been little feedback so far. David will ask the AS lawyer for comments.

5. Insurance

Per email, Neal indicated that insurance cost have increased, so his budget for that needs to be increased. Stephan moves that it is
RESOLVED, that the treasurer is authorized to pay up to $750 per year for insurance.
The motion passed unanimously (6/0/0).

6. PyCon

Per email, Neal had proposed a budget for PyCon. Guido van Rossum had remarked that this only predicted expenses, not income, and that he would prefer a more detailed budget plan for PyCon. At the IRC meeting, Steve said he had no formal budget drawn up yet, but that the resolution is adopted in its current form; he would present the budget to the next board meeting. Martin said he did not like this, because Guido already had objected and is not present at the meeting. He asked what the initial expenses would be, and at what time they would be due. Steve answered a 10% deposit would be required, roughly $2,500. Stephan then moved that it is
RESOLVED that the conference committee is authorized to spend $3000 for room reservations for PyCon 2005.
The motion passed unanimously (6/0/0).

7. Other business

Tim nagged Jeremy about 1023 progress. Jeremy volunteered to scan the documents sometime during this week.

Martin asked how the grant committee should deal with the potential of projects that get half-completed; in particular, what should be done about funds that already have been paid? The board agreed that the projects should have milestones which should be prerequisites to payments; then it would be no problem if only partial results are achieved.

8. Adjournment

Their being no further business, Stephan adjourned the meeting at 18:00.