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The Python Software Foundation
Minutes of Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors

May 11, 2004

A regular meeting of the Python Software Foundation (the "PSF") Board of Directors was held over Internet Relay Chat at 17:00 GMT. Stephan Deibel presided at the meeting.

1. Attendance

The following members of the Board of Directors were present at the meeting: Tim Peters, Guido van Rossum, Martin v. Löwis, Stephan Deibel. A quorum was present. Martin was taking minutes.

2. Meeting minutes of past IRC meetings

The April minutes where not available yet.

3. Reports

The treasurer and PSC reports were emailed. Martin reported that the Grant committee has created a mailing list, and had some discussions, but had not made any decision, yet. He also reported that we are still working with Larry Rosen on the contrib forms, but have not made any progress recently. Tim reports no progress on the changes to the bylaws.

4. Change of Principal Office and Headquarters

Stephan moved that it is
RESOLVED, that the principal office and official headquarters of the PSF shall be:
   Python Software Foundation
   1209 Orange Street
   Wilmington DE 19801
The mailing address will remain:
   Python Software Foundation
   c/o Neal Norwitz
   1707 Sinclair Lane
   Crownsville, MD 21032-1925
The resolution passes with 4/0/0.

5. Accountancy

Stephan then moves that it is
RESOLVED, that the treasurer is authorized to pay an accountant $800 for preparing IRS Form 990 for 2003.
There was discussion on whether that is too expensive; Martin suggested that this budget is approved and the actual expenses are reviewed afterwards. The resolution passes with 4/0/0.

6. Removal of Opsware

Opsware has asked not to be listed as a sponsor member anymore. The board wondered what precisely this request means; it agreed that the PSF can offer Opsware to remove their company logo from if they want to. The membership roll is public, so if they really don't want to be listed as a sponsor member anymore, they should terminate their membership. Stephan will present these options to them.

7. Recognizing the Las Vegas User Group

The Las Vegas Python User Group has asked that the PSF "recognizes" them, because some library required such recognition. David Ascher has asked that they draft actual text, to which request they have not responded. The board decided not to take any action in this matter.

8. Listing ILM as an emeritus member

ILM has sent a letter indicating that they wish to convert their membership to emeritus; this has not been reflected on the website. Martin will correct the page.

9. Other business

Guido and Tim discussed recovering the 1023 form; they agree that Tim's version of the document is close to the one we sent to the IRS. It contains only the narrative parts, not the actual form. We will never know for sure whether Guido's copy of the form is the one that actually get sent to the IRS.

10. Adjournment

There being no other business, the meeting is adjourned at 17:37 GMT.