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The Python Software Foundation
Minutes of Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors

Januar 13, 2004

A regular meeting of the Python Software Foundation (the "PSF") Board of Directors was held over Internet Relay Chat at 18:00 GMT. Guido van Rossum, president of the Foundation and chairman of the Board, presided at the meeting.

1. Attendance

The following members of the Board of Directors were present at the meeting: Guido van Rossum, Martin von Löwis, Tim Peters, Jeremy Hylton, David Ascher, Marc-Andre Lemburg. A quorum was present. Martin was taking minutes.

2. Meeting minutes of past IRC meetings

The December minutes where not available yet.

3. Funding of PyCon Participants

David Goodger had requested funding for travelling expenses to PyCon as a sprint organizer, and Jeff Elkner had requested funding for students who would like to participate. There was discussion on whether funds should be granted. Guido did not want to give the impression that we give money away to old buddies, but these were valid cases. Jeremy agrees. Martin was opposed to funding students unless they present something at the conference. David proposed an alternative to direct funding: the silver sponsors should select a sprint that their sponsor money should go to. Students applying for grants should apply for a gopher position.

Marc-Andre proposed that sprint leaders get a free entry and reimbursement of expenses up to $500. Martin is opposed, David remarked that this proposal does not scale, Guido observed that the proposal does not deal with a wealthy sprint leader who wants to invite a poor sprinter. There was more discussion, after which it was

RESOLVED, that monies from the silver sponsorships be allocated to help defray costs associated with sponsor-selected sprints, up to a maximum of $500. Each silver sponsor can choose what sprint to allocate the funds to. The sprint leader and the sprint chair must agree on how the monies are to be disbursed. Any reimbursement for travel or other expenses must be made based on submission of receipts.
The motion passed with 4/2/0. It is then further
RESOLVED, that sprint leaders who organize and run sprints with at least two other full-time attendants get waived admission to the conference if they want it.
The motion passed with 6/0/0. Finally, it is
RESOLVED, that students at accredited institutions can apply for a "gopher" position, which grants them free admission to the conference in exchange for administrative assistance of the conference, under the direction of the organizing committee. The board grants the conference chair the authority to approve these requests according to the needs of the conference.
The motion passes 6/0/0. Guido will forward these decisions to Steve Holden.

4. PyCon Member meeting

A member meeting should be held on the Thursday of PyCon, 5-7pm. There is discussion whether snail mail invitations should be sent to the members; we never did that before, but could do it this time. Martin will take charge of organizing the meeting.

Jeremy requested that new members should apply for membership before they are voted in, otherwise, they might never formally apply.

All current board members, except for Thomas Wouters, will stand again for the board. Guido has asked Dennis Allison whether he is interested in filling Thomas' spot.

Marc-Andre asked whether email voting should be allowed for member votes. Guido suggested that Marc-Andre should prepare a motion to change the bylaws. Jeremy is concerned that we may need legal review for such a change.

5. Adjournment

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.