The Python Software Foundation
Minutes of Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors
November 11, 2003
A regular meeting of the Python Software Foundation (the "PSF") Board of Directors was held over Internet Relay Chat at 18:00 GMT. Guido van Rossum, president of the Foundation and chairman of the Board, presided at the meeting.
1. Attendance
The following members of the Board of Directors were present at the meeting: Thomas Wouters, Guido van Rossum, Martin von Löwis, Tim Peters, Jeremy Hylton, David Ascher. A quorum was present. Neal Norwitz also participated in the meeting. Martin was taking minutes.
2. Meeting minutes of past IRC meetings
The September minutes where approved with one abstention. The October minutes draft was amended, and then approved unanimously.
3. Reports
Thomas reported that a message received from Verisign on a failed transfer of the domain to the PSF should be interpreted as an old attempt of the transfer which failed. Transfer is still in progress.
Several people reported on the status of PyCon. Guido reported that Steve Holden appears to be busy teaching, and no one else takes any action. Neal reported that registration is proceeding and almost done; it was happening in private mail between Trevor Troenjes, Steve Holden, and himself. David commented that the PCC needs to know about such activities. Guido remarked that the next priority should be the papers deadline.
Thomas reported on the progress of the website committee. He apologized for not dealing with the corporate links discussion, and reported that the PWC has not done very much. The committee should not do the redesign itself, but merely oversee it, and give feedback to the web designers. Guido commented that the committee apparently did not even do that. Jeremy asked whether Kevin Altis is still involved; apparently, he is not. There was discussion about setting a deadline for the work; Thomas will find a deadline and communicate it. Marc-Andre's request for a policy on corporate links is still pending; Thomas will try to resolve this issue as well.
Neal reported that donations have decreased a bit; most new donations currently come as a result of SpamBayes. Neal has added OSAF and Array BioPhara to website as pending members, and received a check from Array BioPharma. He also received a Cookbook check for $723.48. He sent a form requesting Sales Tax Exemption for Washington, DC. He also sent letters to all sponsors that Archaeopteryx has changed to emeritus member, that OSAF, Array BioPharma became pending members, and to O'Reilly requesting checks sent to the PSF use my address. He also reported that the current assets are $44,066.43, there are no current liabilities.
4. Marketing
David reported on the status of the marketing-python group. There seems to be a lot of energy in that group, not especially well channeled. Some people are very set that the logo they picked _has_ to be the one that's chosen, and aren't willing to argue why. However, various Board members have various concerns with that logo. David believed that there is no coherence, no shared vision in that group, and insults seem to fly around quite a bit.
There was discussion. Guido suggested that David works with the group, showing them the direction that the PSF would like to take these efforts to take, and that David heads a PWC subcommittee for marketing. David agreed to work in such a committee.
5. Adjournment
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.