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The Python Software Foundation
Minutes of Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors

October 14, 2003

A regular meeting of the Python Software Foundation (the "PSF") Board of Directors was held over Internet Relay Chat at 18:00 GMT. Guido van Rossum, president of the Foundation and chairman of the Board, presided at the meeting.

1. Attendance

The following members of the Board of Directors were present at the meeting: Thomas Wouters, Guido van Rossum, Martin von Löwis, Tim Peters, Jeremy Hylton, David Ascher, Marc-Andre Lemburg. A quorum was present. Neal Norwitz also participated in the meeting.

2. Meeting minutes of past IRC meetings

The minutes of the September meeting had not been prepared yet; they will be discussed next month.

3. SSL Server Certificates

Thomas asked whether the PSF should buy an official server certificate at some recognized certificate authority, or whether should just use a self-signed certificate. He reported that it would be $450 for the first year, and $300 each subsequent year. Initially, the certificate would only be used for pypi. After discussion, the board agreed not to buy a certificate at this point, and just accept the warnings that browsers will issue if they receive unverified certificates.

4. Contrib Forms

Marc-Andre reported that discussion of contrib forms with Larry Rosen has stopped, partly due to Larry's attempt to talk the PSF into switching to the AFL. Marc-Andre proposed that the PSF should not switch licenses, and ask Larry for comments on the contribution documents at hand. He also mentioned that David's lawyer might still provide comments on these documents. After discussion, the board agreed that Marc-Andre continues on this road.

5. Project Management Committee

Guido moved that it is

RESOLVED, that the Foundation establish a Project Management Committee, the Python Conference Committee, responsible for organizing and sponsoring conferences that advance the Foundation's mission. The committee is authorized to incur expenses up to a limit establish by the board for a specific conference. The chairman of the committee shall be Vice President of the Corporation. The initial members of the committee shall be David Ascher, Steve Holden, and Jeremy Hylton. Ascher will be its initial chairman.

The motion passed unanimously (7/0/0).

6. Pending Sponsor Members

Guido moved that it is

RESOLVED, that the Board can collect sponsor fees and add a Pending Sponsor Member to the website prior to being elected by the members if the Board decides it is likely the full membership will approve the Sponsor Member. If Sponsor Membership status is not approved, the funds will be converted to a donation.

The motion passed unanimously (7/0/0).

Jeremy moved that it is

RESOLVED, that the Board accepts Array BioPharma as a Pending Sponsor Member.

The motion passed unanimously (7/0/0).

Neal will inform Array BioPharma about this decision.

7. Trademark Registration

Guido moved that it is

RESOLVED, that the PSF secretary, Jeremy Hylton, registers the term "PYTHON SOFTWARE FOUNDATION" on behalf of the Python Software Foundation under the service class 042 with US PTO.

There was discussion; Jeremy asked whether David's lawyer can guide him through the actual registration process. The motion then passed unanimously (7/0/0).

David left the meeting because of other obligations.

8. Python support committee

Guido moved that it is

RESOLVED, that the Public Support Committee, represented by its chairman and officer Marc-Andre Lemburg, may signup for bookshop affiliate programs on behalf of the Python Software Foundation for fund-raising purposes.

The motion passed unanimously (6/0/0).

9. Adjournment

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.