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The Python Software Foundation
Minutes of Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors

January 14, 2003.

A regular meeting of the Python Software Foundation (the "PSF") Board of Directors was held over Internet Relay Chat at 13:08 EST. Guido van Rossum, president of the Foundation and chairman of the Board, presided at the meeting.

1. Attendance

The following members of the Board of Directors were present at the meeting: Jeremy Hylton, Tim Peters, Guido van Rossum, Thomas Wouters, Marc-Andre Lemburg, Martin von Loewis, David Ascher. A quorum was present. Steve Holden, chair of the PyCon, was also present to give a report.

2. Meeting minutes of past IRC meetings.

Guido moved to approve the meeting minutes of December 10th. Motion passes with 1 abstention and 6 ayes.

3. Secretary/Treasurer's report

We're still having a hard time getting the funds from AB Strakt because of international banking transfer issues.

Notices about upcoming members meetings at PyCon and OSCON will be sent through email, as postal mail takes too long to reach non-US members (motion approved 7/0/0).

4. Report from Marc Andre Lemburg on the PSC

Nothing to report. MAL plans to setup a web page explaining check donations.

5. Report from Marc Andre Lemburg on the forms committee

Marc Andre sent questions to Chris Rourk. Nothing else to report.

6. Jeremy's lack of time to act as Treasurer/Secretary.

Jeremy Hylton has expressed that he doesn't have the time to continue as Secretary/Treasurer. The board is sorry to hear it but understands it. Jeremy will ask on the PSF-members list for a volunteer to take over his duties.

7. PyCon conference status

Steve Holden reported that there were 27 submissions at this point, most credible. There is a lack of "buzz" around PyCon planning.

There was general agreement that the price structure should be:

  • $150 for early bird registration (at least 4 weeks before the conference)
  • $200 for regular registration (up to 1 day before the conference)
  • $250 for on-site registration

Steve Holden was glad to learn that the PSF has some reserves, so that a slight loss would be ok.

8. Adjournment

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 14:06 EST.