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The Python Software Foundation
Minutes of Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors

September 10, 2002.

A regular regular meeting of the Python Software Foundation (the "PSF") Board of Directors was held over Internet Relay Chat at 1:10 pm EST. Guido van Rossum, president of the Foundation and chairman of the Board, presided at the meeting.

1. Attendance

The following Board members were present: Tim Peters, Guido van Rossum, David Ascher (late), Martin von Loewis, Thomas Wouters. The following members were absent: Marc-Andre Lemburg, Jeremy Hylton. The Board had quorum.

2. Agenda

  • Minutes of previous meetings.
  • Python Support Committee.
  • Contribution Forms.
  • New members.
  • Python Conference.

Minutes of previous meetings

The minutes of the August 13 meeting, written by Martin von Loewis, were approved unanimously (before David Ascher showed up).

The minutes of the July meeting have not yet been written by Jeremy Hylton.

Python Support Committee

This item was skipped because Marc-Andre Lemburg was not present.

Contribution Forms

This item was skipped because Marc-Andre Lemburg was not present.

New Members

Martin von Loewis has mailed Robin Dunn and Eric Jones, and they have mailed me back that they sent the forms. He has not received confirmation from Jeremy.

It is noted that the board has not seen any recent emails from Jeremy Hylton on incoming paperwork. It is unclear if this is because there was no incoming paperwork or because Jeremy has not had time for his responsibilities as PSF secretary.

Python Conference

Guido van Rossum gave an overview of a proposal on the table for a Python Conference to be organized by Yet Another Society (YAS) in March 2003 at GWU in Washington, DC. A summary of this proposal is in the conferences-discuss archives.

YAS hasn't signed the contract with GWU yet, at least in part because the YAS board feels uncomfortable with the price point of $125/attendee. The budget is approximately $30,000, 10% of which is due immediately.

At Guido's request, the board voted on the following motion:

RESOLVED, that Guido van Rossum can offer Adam Turoff that the PSF will take full financial responsibility for the conference if YAS is unwilling to run the conference at a $125/attendee fee.

The motion was approved with four ayes, and one abstention, from Tim Peters, who feels he doesn't understand the issues enough to put the entire PSF's finances at risk. Guido is confident that we can get enough attendees, and offers to take this offline with Tim.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1:45 pm EST.