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The Python Software Foundation
Python Conference Committee Report

December 2003

David Ascher reports that he and Steve Holden had a phone call, and Ascher, Holden, Jeremy Hylton, Neal Norwitz, and Itamar Shtull-Trauring met on IRC.


  • Jan 15th is the deadline for paper submission.
  • Dec 15th is the deadline for the paper submission site to be up and running
  • Feb 1 is the deadline for the PC to have decided on the accepted/rejected papers

Action items: Jeremy should make sure the websites get updated w/ this info, and Steve should probably send out an update to the lists.

Paper Submission process

Andrew Kuchling has a Quixote-based system which is up and running on It is currently being tweaked, but should be operational before the end of the week.

Things that Andrew needs to do before Dec 15. Action items:

  • paper download (upload may work or not, it's hard to tell!)
  • minor tweaks
  • setting up backup
  • linking w/ other relevant sites

NOTE: we'll be using the "Identify the Champion" method for running the paper selection process.

Program committee so far:

  • Christopher Blunck [blunck _at_]
  • David Ascher
  • Jeremy Hylton
  • Brett Cannon
  • Aahz
  • Steve Holden
  • Garry Hodgson [garry _at_]
  • Pat Miller [patmiller _at_]
  • Sylvia Candelaria de Ram [cognite _at_]
  • George Belotsky [questions _at_]
  • Itamar Shtull-Trauring [itamar _at_]

Action item: Steve Holden will setup a mailing list for the PC.


David is in charge of sponsorship. David has received lists of contacts from various folks. Action item: David will come up with a sponsorship 'menu' and contact possible sponsors before Dec 15.


Nothing to report -- not seen as a priority given the conference. Nobody owns this AFAIK (Dan Arico has expressed interest though).


Jeremy 'owns' the web and will coordinate the efforts of various folks (Aahz, Trevor, pydotorg).


Jeremy reports:

  • Strong commitments for Zope 2, Zope 3, PyPy, and Twisted.
  • Interest for C++ integration, .NET, Chandler, Mac Python, xml-sig and spambayes