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Python Software Foundation Announces Python Version 2.2.1

Over 100 enhancements made to powerful programming language

Fredericksburg, VA -- April 10th, 2002 -- The Python Software Foundation announced today the release of version 2.2.1 of the Python programming language and standard libraries.

This release includes over 100 enhancements for users of version 2.2 of Python.

"We're pleased to offer this release to the Python users community. As we move towards the next major release of Python, we remain committed to supporting users with incremental enhancements such as those found in this release," said Guido van Rossum, creator of Python and president of the Python Software Foundation.

About Python

Python is a powerful object oriented programming language that is developed and maintained by a global community of Open Source contributors, under the oversight of the Python Software Foundation.

Python's unique blend of simplicity and power excels in a wide range of business and research development tasks, including the construction of web applications, complex business solutions, and large desktop applications.

"Python is everywhere at ILM. It's used to extend the capabilities of our applications, as well as providing the glue between them. Every CG image we create has involved Python somewhere in the process," said Philip Peterson, Principal Engineer, Research & Development, Industrial Light & Magic.

Python significantly increases programmer productivity over languages such as C, C++, Java, and Visual Basic. The language's global user base is estimated in the hundreds of thousands and is growing rapidly.

Key features of Python include:

  • Object orientation, modular name spaces, exceptions, and multi-threading
  • High-level dynamic data typing and very late binding
  • Tight integration with C, C++, and Java modules
  • May be compiled to Java byte code for use in any JVM
  • String and regular expression processing
  • Extensive XML and web services support
  • HTTP, FTP, SMTP, POP, IMAP, NNTP, telnet, and other IP protocols
  • HTML, MIME, base64, binhex, uuencode, and other internet data handling
  • GUI development and multimedia services
  • Unit testing, profiling, and documentation generation
  • Restricted execution security option
  • Available third party modules for database access, math, 3D modeling, image processing, LDAP, WebDAV, jabber, MIDI, and much more

Python runs on Microsoft Windows, Macintosh, Linux, Unix, OS/2, WinCE, and many other operating systems. Full source code is available for the language and associated standard libraries.

About the PSF

The Python Software Foundation (PSF) is a non-profit organization devoted to advancing Open Source technology related to the Python programming language. The PSF holds the intellectual property rights to Python.

Additional information and downloads are available at