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Committees of the Python Software Foundation

Active Committees

Infrastructure Committee (IC)

Formed:April 2010
Chairman:Sean Reifschneider
Members:Sean Reifschneider (jafo at
Mailing List:infrastructure at

This committee works on making concrete plans for improving infrastructure and to address technical infrastructure broadly. The board created this committee at a special meeting on March 24 2005.

Current resolution: April 2010

RESOLVED, that Sean Reifschneider be appointed chairman of the Infrastructure Committee.

Outreach & Education Committee (OREC)

Formed:June 27, 2011
Chairman:David Mertz
Members:David Mertz (mertz at, Gloria Jacobs (strangest at, Jessica McKellar (jessica.mckellar at, Daniel Greenfeld (pydanny at, Audrey Roy (audreyr at, Ned Batchelder (ned at, Asheesh Laroia (asheesh at ), Simon Law (sfllaw at ), and Yannick Gingras (ygingras at
Mailing List:outreach at

Establishing resolution:

RESOLVED, that the PSF form an official "Outreach and Education" project management committee with the goals of identifying key initiatives, programs and subjects in this domain that the PSF can assist, fund or help guide. This committee will make recommendations to the membership, the board and its committees and act as a guiding hand for the PSF in this domain. The committee will be chaired by David Mertz (PSF Director). The initial membership will be the following individuals: Gloria Jacobs (PSF Director), Jessica McKellar, Daniel Greenfeld, Audrey Roy, Ned Batchelder, Asheesh Laroia, Simon Law and Yannick Gingras.

Sprint Committee (SC)

Formed:May 10, 2010
Chairman:Jesse Noller
Members:Jesse Noller (jnoller at, Alex Gaynor (alex.gaynor at, Brian Curtin (brian at, Geremy Condra (debatem1 at, Catherine Devlin (catherine.devlin at, Doug Napoleone (doug.napoleone at, Jack Diederich (jackdiedat at, Jacob Kaplan-Moss (jacob at, Kelsey Hightower (kelsey.hightower at, James Mills (unknown), R. David Murray (r. david rdmurray at
Mailing List:sprints at

The committee will be responsible for the coordination and review and approval of sprint proposals. For more information, see the sprints website.

Establishing resolution:

RESOLVED, that the Board approves the creation of a specific "Targeted Sprint Committee" and allocates a yearly budget of 5000 USD for the funding of targeted, community based sprints with Jesse Noller as the initial Chairman, and additional members as needed per project requirements and approved by the board.

Trademarks Committee (TMC)

Formed:November 10, 2008
Chairman:David Mertz
Members:David Mertz (mertz at, David Goodger (goodger at, Marc-Andre Lemburg (mal at, Doug Napoleone (doug.napoleone at, James Tauber (jtauber at,
Mailing List:psf-trademarks at

This committee assesses actual and proposed uses of the Python trademarks. See the PSF Trademark Usage Policy.

Current resolution: (July 2010)

RESOLVED, that the Board reauthorize the Trademarks Committee, with a membership consisting of Chair David Mertz, and members Marc-Andre Lemburg, David Goodger, James Tauber, Doug Napoleone. Further resolve that the Chair shall be authorized to appoint or remove such advisors to the committee as s/he sees fit, where advisors may offer advice to the committee on legal or technical issues but shall not vote in discussions nor count towards quorum.

Establishing resolution:

RESOLVED, that a Project Management Committee designated the "Trademarks Committee" (TMC) be formed with David Goodger, Marc-Andre Lemburg, Van Lindberg, David Mertz, Doug Napoleone, James Tauber and Trevor Toenjes as initial members, and James Tauber as the initial chairman, and that the Trademarks Committee shall, when so instructed by the PSF Board, assess trademarks for compliance with the current PSF Trademark Usage Policy and advise the PSF Board on what action, if any, to take.

Inactive Committees

Grants Committee (GC)

Dissolved:February 25, 2007
Formed:April 13, 2004
Chairman:Martin v. Löwis
Members:Paul Dubois, Jeremy Hylton, Martin v. Löwis, Michael McLay
Mailing List:

The Grants Committee solicits grant-funded development proposals that are designed to further the PSF mission, selects among the proposals received, and oversees their completion. Grants are paid for by the PSF using contributions received from its sponsor members and donors. The policies and procedures for the Grants Committee are defined by the committee and approved by the Board of Directors.

Establishing Resolution

RESOLVED, that a Grants Committee is formed, with Michael McLay, Paul Dubois, Jeremy Hylton, and Martin v. Löwis as initial members, and Martin v. Löwis as the initial chairman and Vice President of Grants, that the Grant Committee drafts for approval by the Board the rules for soliciting grant-funded development proposals designed to further the PSF mission, that the committee selects among proposals and oversees the completion of those that are accepted by the Board, and that members of the committee cannot apply for grants until one (1) year after they leave the committee.

Rules for Grants Committee

A. Policies and Procedures
  1. The PSF will grant a total of not more than $40,000 in the initial round of grants (2004/2005). The budget will be set by the board in future years.
  2. Grants can go to anybody who submits a proposal for the call below, except for committee members.
  3. After the deadline, the committee members review the proposals, and rank them as a) strong accept b) weak accept c) weak reject d) strong reject
  4. Proposals that get a single d) vote or only c) votes are rejected.
  5. The committee ranks the remaining proposals considering the reviews, and the highest-ranking proposals are accepted until the money is exhausted, or we run out of proposals.
  6. The board is asked for approval of the suggested projects.
  7. The committee oversees approved projects, and clears payments to the project contingent to payment plan and delivery of project results.
B. Call for Proposals (2004)

The Python Software Foundation is seeking grant proposals for projects related to the further development of Python, Python-related technology, and educational resources. The PSF plans to issue calls for proposals regularly.

Proposals should be for specific projects with a clear objective, rather than support for ongoing activities. Proposals should be brief (a few pages of text), and they should explain:

  1. what the objective of the project is,
  2. what precisely the funds are needed for,
  3. a delivery plan, indicating what deliverables will be provided at what time, and
  4. a payment plan, indicating what payments should be made at what time.

Awarded grants can range up to $40,000.

Proposals for this call must be submitted before October 1, 2004. Projects will start on November 1, 2004, and must be completed by October 30, 2005.

The above rules were accepted by the PSF board July 7, 2004 via email vote 4-0-0 on the following resolution:

RESOLVED that the board accepts the policies and procedures for the grants committee, as submitted July 5th, and authorizes the grants committee to begin its work as put forth in those policies and procedures.

Public Support Committee (PSC)

Dissolved:February 25, 2007
Formed:August 13, 2002
Chairman:Stephan Deibel
Members:Steve Holden, Neil Norwitz, David Goodger, and Stephan Deibel
Mailing List:

The Public Support Committee (PSC) is charged with fund raising for the PSF, which it does by creating fund raising messages, ads, and materials, soliciting donations from private and commercial contributors, and managing the PSF's fund raising infrastructure.


RESOLVED, That the Public Support Committee (PSC) be made up of the following initial members: Stephan Deibel, Jeremy Hylton, Marc-Andre Lemburg, Tim Peters, Aahz, Alex Martelli, Neil Norwitz and Greg Ward, that the committee follows rules analog to those set forth in the PSF bylaws for the PSF board with respect to voting and meetings, and that Marc-Andre Lemburg will be the initial chairman of the PSC.

Amended Charter (2004-04-13)

RESOLVED, that the Public Support Committee formed in August 2002 shall continue under current membership and leadership, and that the committee's activities shall now be constrained to all aspects of fund raising for the PSF, including but not limited to (1) creation of fund raising messages, ads, and materials, (2) soliciting of donations from private and company contributors, and (3) management of fund raising infrastructure.

Public Relations Committee (PRC)

Dissolved:April 12, 2005
Formed:April 13, 2004
Chairman:Steve Holden
Members:Aahz, Kevin Altis, Steve Holden, Andrew Kuchling, Tim Parkin, Barry Warsaw
Mailing List:

The Public Relations Committee (PRC) is responsible for the development of official informational, marketing, and advocacy materials for the Python programming language. This includes the website and brand identities associated with the PSF and Python, among other things. The PRC also promotes Python in commercial, governmental and educational contexts, in order to facilitate the recruitment of new users and contributors to the language.

Establishing Resolution

RESOLVED, that a Public Relations (PR) Committee is formed, with Tim Parkin, Kevin Altis, Aahz, Barry Warsaw, Andrew Kuchling, and Steve Holden as initial members, and Steve Holden as the initial chairman and Vice President of Public Relations, that the PR Committee replaces and subsumes the activities of the previously disbanded Web Committee, and that the PR Committee shall:

  1. Facilitate and oversee the development and maintenance of the official informational, marketing, and advocacy materials for the Python programming language, including but not limited to those appearing on, brochures, and press releases.
  2. Ensure that content and design for such materials is consistent and appropriate with the mission and requirements of the Python Software Foundation and the needs and ideals of the Python open source community.
  3. Develop and manage brand identities associated with the Python Software Foundation and Python.
  4. Actively promote Python in commercial, governmental and educational contexts, in order to facilitate the recruitment of new users and contributors to Python.

Python Conference Committee (PCC)

Dissolved:March 14, 2008
Formed:Oct 14, 2003
Chairman:Andrew Kuchling
Members:David Ascher, David Goodger, Steve Holden (secretary), Andrew Kuchling (chair)
Mailing List:

The PyCon Committee runs PyCon, the annual developer-oriented conference for the Python programming language.

Establishing Resolution

RESOLVED, that the Foundation establish a Project Management Committee, the Python Conference Committee, responsible for organizing and sponsoring conferences that advance the Foundation's mission. The committee is authorized to incur expenses up to a limit establish by the board for a specific conference. The chairman of the committee shall be Vice President of the Corporation. The initial members of the committee shall be David Ascher, Steve Holden, and Jeremy Hylton. Ascher will be its initial chairman.

Amending Resolution (2005-05-06)

RESOLVED, that Andrew Kuchling be appointed a member of the Python Conference Committee, and that he be appointed the new chair of this Committee. By this resolution, the membership of the Committee will be David Ascher, Steve Holden (secretary), Jeremy Hylton, Andrew Kuchling (chair).

Amending Resolution (2007-01-08)

RESOLVED, that the Conference Committee chair be authorized to appoint and dismiss committee members, subject to prompt reporting to the Board.