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Python 2.6.6

Python 2.6.6 has been replaced by a newer security-fix only source release of Python. Please download Python 2.6.8 instead.

Python 2.6 is now in security-fix-only mode; no new features are being added, and no new bug fix releases are planned. We intend to provide source-only security fixes for the Python 2.6 series until October 2013 (five years after the 2.6 final release). For ongoing maintenance releases, please see the Python 2.7 series. The NEWS file lists every change in each alpha, beta, and release candidate of Python 2.6.

Help fund Python and its community by donating to the Python Software Foundation.


This is a production release; we currently support these formats:

MD5 checksums and sizes of the released files:

b2f209df270a33315e62c1ffac1937f0  13318547  Python-2.6.6.tgz
cf4e6881bb84a7ce6089e4a307f71f14  11080872  Python-2.6.6.tar.bz2
6f91625fe7744771da04dd1cabef0adc  15561216  python-2.6.6.amd64.msi
80b1ef074a3b86f34a2e6b454a05c8eb  15227904  python-2.6.6.msi
29af0ada063ca98257a7d4e3e685e2e8   5468483  python266.chm
f9b532a7e674a4d67fa214419c83398a  20452372  python-2.6.6-macosx10.3.dmg

The signatures for the source tarballs above were generated with GnuPG using release manager Barry Warsaw's public key which has a key id of A74B06BF. The Windows installers were signed by Martin von Löwis' public key which has a key id of 7D9DC8D2. The Mac disk image was signed by Ronald Oussoren's public key which has a key id of E6DF025C.


The documentation has also been updated. You can browse the HTML on-line or download the HTML.

[1]The binaries for AMD64 will also work on processors that implement the Intel 64 architecture (formerly EM64T), i.e. the architecture that Microsoft calls x64, and AMD called x86-64 before calling it AMD64. They will not work on Intel Itanium Processors (formerly IA-64).