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Python 2.1 - final release

Note: This is no longer the most current Python release. See Python 2.1.3 for a patch release and the download page for more recent releases.

The final version Python 2.1was released on April 17, 2001. See our (gulp :-) press release.

What's New?


Windows users should download Python-2.1.exe, the Windows installer, from one of the download locations below, run it, and follow the friendly instructions on the screen to complete the installation. ( is a set of DLLs for Windows developers compiled in debug mode; it contains nothing of value for regular Python users.) After downloading and installing Python 2.1 for Windows, you may also want to download and install win32all, an add-on with many Windows-specic modules (e.g. COM support), plus an alternative development environment, Pythonwin.

Mac users please go to Jack's MacPython Page for downloads.

All others should download Python-2.1.tgz, the source tarball, from one of the download locations below, and do the usual "gunzip; tar; configure; make" dance.

Red Hat Linux users may also try to download the RPMs made available by Sean Reifschneider.

Download locations

MD5 checksums

    2ba2baeccd6100a4be80e6368a975054 Python-2.1.tgz
    e78b2efb6d3c00db1704105c25f4d6a9 Python-2.1.exe


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Bugs and Patches

To report a bug, always use the SourceForge Bug Tracker. If you have a patch, please use the SourceForge Patch Manager. Please mention that you are reporting a bug in 2.1!