(compiled by Ka-Ping Yee <ping@lfw.org>)

Compilers and Code Analysis

Jeremy: possible future goal: build Python in Python

currently three compilers are distributed:
    - CPython:
        - parser via pgen
        - compiler in C makes Python VM bytecode

    - JPython:
        - JavaCC parser (perhaps should/will be ANTLR?)
        - interpreter compiles to JVM
        - jpythonc has a separate compiler

other compilation projects:
    - Py2C (Bill Tutt, Greg Stein)
        - keep most of Python's flexibility; avoid breaking code
        - handles most of Python (incl. lambdas, classes)
        - translated pystone is about 30% faster
        - current Python2C not too good with OO programs because
            method dispatch isn't optimized yet
        - optimizes simple case of integer for-loop
        - future work:
            - use limited constant propagation technique to reduce
                some of the overhead of integer arithmetic overflow checking
            - try to reduce the cost of calling an instance method
            - try to avoid PyArg_Parse overhead
                - one Python function -> one C function (extension method
                    style, so uses PyObjects and PyArg_Parse a lot)
            - try to use optional static type information
        - would it be easier to do for C++?  probably.
        - Guido: sounds like PyFront.  how does quality of C code compare?
            - global function calls just call C function directly, so faster
                (but still has to do PyArg_ParseTuple)
            - turn parse tree into more useful AST
            - the C code isn't that bad; the most hairy part is dynamically
                binding default arguments for keyword argument support (need
                to make callable object containing pointers to default args)
            - exception handling is also pretty bizarre
        - when executed on itself (100k) becomes 90k lines of C code
        - maybe optional type info + type inferencing could turn a Python
            class into a C struct or a C++ class?
        - no data flow analysis at all; just a straight translation right now
        - ESR: the LISP people have been working on this for a long time
        - ref. Dylan: reduce LISP to something which can be compiled
            (e.g. "sealing" in Dylan is like declaring classes final)
        - Guido: this is an important example; glad it has been carried far
            enough to provide hard data

    - Paths (Jonathan Riehl)
        - GRAD -> GRAD/Paths -> Basil -> PyFront
        - Grammar-based Rapid Application Development
            - non-intrusive way of binding to other languages
            - acquire other language grammars
            - have parser emit intermediate representation that could be
                translated into Python bindings (like SWIG with no .i)
        - created coverage/testing tools to instrument Python -> Paths
        - generate data-flow graphs with data from GRAD;
            examine code slices to get full test coverage
        - realized that GRAD wasn't just about applications; more about
            philosophy of "language-transcendent development": mix and
            match frontends and backends
        - Basil: my version of a space potato (vapour with a good name)
        - PyFront: take data-flow graph from Python, generate C
        - source -> ast -> sdg: control flow graph of Python bytecodes ->
            vdg: value dependency graph
        - went sdg -> C code instead of vdg -> C
        - see paper in LANL repository
        - modest improvement: control flow in C, but still calling Python API
            and manipulating PyObjects
        - lots of C code, quite redundant
        - would be better if it was generated from vdg
        - language-transcendent programming
            - ye olde programming map
            - front-end development environment: create language grammar
                - integrate with Bison/YACC: LALR(1); pgen: LL(1);
                    ANTLR: LL(n); Spark
            - what's the intermediate format?  XML
            - back-end development environment: metamodel, semantic bindings
                - walks abstract syntax tree, generates linear stream of data
            - can then generate: object models (like GRAD), test vectors,
                optimized code, unoptimized code, fries, etc.
            "this is all theoretical... unlike the vapourware over there"
            "keep the impossible from being too daunting"
        - Martijn: what is this for? i just don't get it

    - Rattlesnake (Skip Montanaro)
        - experimental optimizer
        - tools for manipulating bytecode blocks
        - modify VM to use 3-address opcodes (register-based)

    - Viper (Max Skaller)
        - Python compiler & interpreter in Ocaml
        - emphasis on optimization
        - semantics are up for grabs, highly experimental

new compiler requirements:
    - types-sig has a serious implementation challenge
        - changes to language grammar
        - needs to implement type checker (some checking in runtime)
    - optimization efforts
        - e.g. faster global name lookup
        - generate native code (target to JVM?)
    - want warnings framework (optional lint-like checking)

do interpreter in Python for experimentation too?
    - Guido: more effort than building a compiler
    - ESR: possibly enrich bytecode to make it more amenable to
        compilation to native code

Guido, Greg, Ping, etc.: use abstract syntax trees as intermediate level
    - actually bytecode does partition easily into basic blocks;
        but indeed, ASTs better for global analysis

Jeremy: stuff like peephole optimization best to do after generating bytecode

Guido: stuff like register assignments, CSE, choosing where a local variable
    should live best done before bytecode

ESR: suggest it's good to go source -> ast -> bytecode -> native
    rather than source -> ast -> native; can optimize in
    platform-indepedent step ast -> bytecode

strawman approach:
    - keep current parser approach
        - JPython may move to ANTLR
    - develop AST to insulate compiler from changes to grammar
        - Guido: would be nice to have a standard Python AST
    - common compiler framework for all Python distributions
    - appropriate intermediate representation?
        - bytecode like now?

John Aycock
    1. have tools that may be relevant
        - package "spark" supports development of languages
        - can be applied to Python
        - can handle grammar as big as Python's; a little slow
    2. starting a project
        - type inferencing work showed that it's very hard
        - seems even more painful to add runtime checks on top
        - much easier to do type inference dynamically in the interpreter
        - a bit like Self although Self was more aimed at optimizing
            dynamically dispatched method calls & attempting to inline

ESR: have a hard time seeing how optional type decls can handle hard cases
Moshe: want to optimize the common case; may be able to optimize 90% of
    the code even though 10% runs just like today
Guido: tools may help speed freaks who can check out the bytecode and
    add type information appropriately
Guido: like John, would like to aim for a point far off (programmers would
    love not having to express type declarations)
Greg: point in favour of optional type declarations: readability/documentation
Ping: doesn't Guido want it for the warnings rather than the speed?
Guido: i want it all!


Guido: what's the goal?
Jeremy: go to a SIG?
what's the real usage?

Jon: JIT compilation of JVM bytecode can yield 2-3 orders of magnitude
    faster than CPython; JPython was then about 5-10x slower, so the
    result is still faster
ESR: we're all working way too hard; no strategy yet sounds better than
    translating to Scheme and letting the Scheme compiler do work

Guido: more interested in front-end and program analysis stuff than
    just speed; recently experimented with parser for Python that has
    very different properties
    - the existing parser starts at the top and parses as quick as it
        can to give you a parse tree to work with
    - imagine modifying a function in IDLE and incrementally parsing a line,
        and tell you whether there was an obvious grammar error in the line
        and highlight the error
    - need to have a parser that's incremental; also need a parser that is
        resilient in the face of incidental typos; e.g. if function #2 of 4
        has a minor grammar error, should not stop the parser from recovering
        and parsing the rest of the functions
    - want to go in phases looking at the code like a human reads it
        - first look at indentation structure and block out the code
        - (begin with tokenizing to separate out docstrings)
        - do parenthesis matching to catch newlines that continue statements
            - can recover by noticing statement keywords inside parentheses
        - then look at logical lines
        - can gradually build parse tree until all the expressions are parsed
        - look at each line: start with keyword, assignment, or expression
    - this method of parsing makes it easier to parse incrementally
        - most of the time you only have to parse one or two lines
    - would be nice to have a standard form of parse tree
        (tuple of tuples?  instances of node classes?  nodes of all the
        same class with an attribute specifying parse node type?)

    - possible first goal: determine why version-0 ASTs are not sufficient
    - possible second goal: write a simple compiler
Guido: if your only goal is to generate bytecode, you may throw away
    too much information
ESR: want to seriously look into Scheme translation
Jeremy: try mzScheme at Rice -- already has class representation
Ken: in older LISPs you inserted directives into the code to help
ESR: in the mid-80s you stopped having to do this because data-flow
    analysis got good enough
Jeremy: could we use Jonathan's code to do analysis?
Jon: would be a low-hanging fruit to generate something like Scheme
    since representation is pretty functional
Jeremy: we should keep an eye on work in Ocaml and Moby