FSF response to the Python 2.1 license
Today, I received the following email from Eben Moglen, the Free Software Foundation's attorney. (See also a postscript.)
Subject: Re: Python 1.6.1 and GPL compatibility From: Eben Moglen <moglen@columbia.edu> To: Guido van Rossum <guido@digicool.com> Cc: "Bradley M. Kuhn" <bkuhn@gnu.org>, rms@gnu.org Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 07:44:11 -0400 (EDT) On Wednesday, 18 April 2001, Guido van Rossum wrote: Please get me an answer before Thursday's over. I can't hold up my response to the Slashdot questions much longer. What follows is our official response to the 2.1 license. The removal of the acceptance ceremony takes care of the primary dissonance between GPL and the Python 1.6.1 license (but see below). The other issue over which we spent much time in negotiation with CNRI is the applicable law provision in paragraph 7. The GPL doesn't use an applicable law provision. We are concerned about a number of problems that can arise. You see the simplest of them already in your license stack: one license applying the law of California and another the law of Virginia. That could happen many times over with free software projects, with each module and some patches within the modules treated under different rules of law, which would create almost intolerable confusion. It does not happen with proprietary software because there is a single owner, who does not permit derivative works. In addition, we need to be worried about Unfreedonia, the jurisdiction that treats the GPL as a nullity, or even worse interprets it to make code unfree. Then anyone can receive a GPL'd program, modify it, and rerelease under a GPL with an Unfeedonian-law-applies clause. We're screwed. So we have never allowed a license with a choice-of-law clause to be treated as fully compatible with GPL. Virginia is the worst of all choices, because that state has passed the UCITA law, which adds a whole new range of risks and burdens in the distribution of free software. We explained all this to CNRI, but it was the other subject on which they were immovable. So we settled for a clause that specifically exempted any GPL'd code in Python from that clause, except as it applied to the warranty disclaimers. This was a kludgy solution, but we wanted to make a deal, and we expected to have the code ultimately released under a different license. But this situation shows why we hate doing that: you've taken over their language. If we now agree that this is GPL-compatible, we'll have to live with it forever, because other people will copy it from your license. And it still contains more risks for the future than we think it is wise to incur. So let's take paragraph 7 and reduce it to the no-joint-venture clause, which we also think is unnecessary, but which is harmless. It would then read: 7. Nothing in this License Agreement shall be deemed to create any relationship of agency, partnership, or joint venture between PSF and Licensee. This License Agreement does not grant permission to use PSF trademarks or trade name in a trademark sense to endorse or promote products or services of Licensee, or any third party. Now about paragraph 8. By removing the ceremony of acceptance you eliminate the incompatibility with GPL, but you are still telling your user that installation and use of Python constitutes acceptance of your license. This may or may not hold up in court, in the event that you ever need to enforce, but we wonder why you would want to sue someone who had installed and used Python with his fingers crossed about your license, but who never modified or redistributed it. The GPL says that you don't need to accept the license, but you can't modify or redistribute unless you do, because nothing gives you the right to do those things except the license. We strongly recommend that approach: it loses you nothing except the hypothetical right to enforce against someone you wouldn't care about anyway, and it doesn't commit you to claiming this sort of "implicit acceptance by use" that the lawyers don't believe will work, which is why they use acceptance ceremonies, ..... You will notice that we're about simplifying here. Most lawyers operate from caution: anything that might ever possibly help they throw into the license. Every place they do business they have a local license adapted to the conditions there, with every little detail thrown in. We're about elegance. We try to use the absolute minimum, because we're offering one license for use everywhere, giving the maximum amount of freedom to every user. So the simpler things are the more compatible they are with our needs. Conclusion: in order to be "compatible" in the strict sense, we need paragraph 7 to remove the choice of law clause. We would also recommend that paragraph 8 be changed to say that copying, modification or distribution constitutes acceptance of the license, but we don't have to have that change to agree that the license is fully "GPL compatible." I hope this helps. If you have any further questions I can try to respond during the course of Thursday, but my schedule is extremely full. Best regards. -- Eben Moglen voice: 212-854-8382 Professor of Law & Legal History fax: 212-854-7946 moglen@ Columbia Law School, 435 West 116th Street, NYC 10027 columbia.edu General Counsel, Free Software Foundation http://moglen.law.columbia.edu
In accordance with the requirement above, the PSF board has decided to change the license, by replacing the original paragraph 7 with the paragraph 7 suggested in Eben Moglen's letter above. The first release with such a GPL-compatible license is Python 2.0.1; Python 2.1.1 will soon follow. (Added 14-June-2001)