2.1 Platform variations

You should always run the setup command from the distribution root directory, i.e. the top-level subdirectory that the module source distribution unpacks into. For example, if you've just downloaded a module source distribution foo-1.0.tar.gz onto a Unix system, the normal thing to do is:

gunzip -c foo-1.0.tar.gz | tar xf -    # unpacks into directory foo-1.0
cd foo-1.0
python setup.py install

On Windows, you'd probably unpack the archive before opening the command prompt. If you downloaded the archive file to C:\Temp, then it probably unpacked (depending on your software) into C:\Temp\foo-1.0; from the command prompt window, you would then run

cd c:\temp\foo-1.0
python setup.py install

On Mac OS, ... ** again, how do you run Python scripts on Mac OS? **

** arg, my lovely ``bslash'' macro doesn't work in non-tt fonts! help me LATEX, you're my only hope... **

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