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PROGENV-SIG, Discussion forum for Python programming-environment issues

This list is intended for the discussion of the issues concerning the
Python programming environment - the facilities, including editors,
interpreter, debuggers, browsers, documentation, and so forth,
instrumental in the actual act of Python programming.  Discussions may
cover use of and problems with existing facilities, as well as efforts
to produce new tools and solutions.  The overall orientation is to
foster the development of this programming environment.

Some examples of prospective topics are:

 - Development and integration of program editors, debuggers, profilers, 
   browsers, etc
 - Systematic organization and manipulation of on- and offline programming 
 - Programming environment browsers - facilities for discovery, 
   identification of python classes and instances, other type objects, 
   extensions, etc
 - Programming environment editors - facilities to articulate the things 
   that browsers only let you view 
 - Direct-manipulation ("visual") environment editors
 - etc

About this list: Additions and deletions are all automated via
Majordomo.  For details, send the word `help' in the body of a mail
message to the Administrivia address given below.  The subscription
policy is `open', meaning you can add or delete yourself at any time,
but you cannot add or delete anyone else without approval.

This list is unmoderated and unrestricted.  This means that anybody
can post messages to the list.  Messages are archived and available
for download, as are perhaps other useful files.  For details, send
the word `index' in the body of a message to the Administrivia

Post messages to the everyone on the list by using the List address.

If you absolutely must to contact a human being, use the Owner

List address:

