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Python Data Plotting Solutions SIG Issues

Plotting needs vary greatly depending on each user's requirements; some users wish to see a better API between Python and existing plotting libraries or programs. Others would rather see a new framework which maximally leverages the OOP and dynamic strengths of Python, at the cost of reinventing a few wheels. Both strategies will be entertained by the SIG, with individual members contributing to projects they wish to see furthered.

Principles guiding the development of all software will include:

  • Ease of use.
  • Integration with other Python packages (NumPy, PIL, etc.).
  • Quality of the software.
  • Quality of the output.

One possible goal for the API project is to develop a package- independent API for plots, which would produce reasonably similar results regardless of the plotting package used as a backend (PLPlot, Gist/Yorick, Gnuplot, etc.), in the same spirit as the interface defined by the DB-SIG. Package-specific extensions could naturally be provided as well.

The goals for the new framework need to be further specified by the SIG, but include:

  • Complete Python Control.
  • Extensibility/Customizability.
  • High quality rendering both on screen and paper.
  • Portability (at least UNIX/X11 and Win32, MacOS if feasible).
  • Stealing good ideas others have had.
  • Interactivity

Membership is expected to include folks who wish to contribute to the development efforts, folks who have lots of expertise they wish to share, and novice users who wish to share their lists of requirements, questions about the available software, etc.