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PATTERN-SIG, SIG for Idioms, Patterns, and Frameworks in Python This list has been created to provide a forum for discussing issues related to using design techniques and practices together with Python. These concepts range from the small- scale programming idioms and 'tricks' to medium-scale design patterns, usually comprising entities of several classes, to large-scale designs based on frameworks, often combining several patterns themselves. By doing that we emphasize questions and issues, not to be learned from the study of a programming language alone, but only from the interaction with its users' experience and projects. We do believe that there is valuable design experience to be communicated on several levels (idioms, patterns, frameworks) and we want to see that happen here. We are interested in what patterns have emerged within the Python community, we are curious to see if these are similar to those developed by others and we'd like you be aware that you probably are already using patterns, but that it makes much sense to be aware about them for your own benefit and for that of others. If you've been using design patterns consciously, even better. We want to know about your experience and talk about patterns from various sources like those of the Gang-of- Four (GOF). Please share your experience with us! Apart from discussing on this list, the PATTERN-SIG will collect and collate common programming patterns, idioms, and tricks of the trade, of general use to the Python community. Its mission is to produce a set of well-indexed Web pages that Python pro- grammars can use as reference material for their own projects. In order to do so, we will use whatever tools seem appropriate to collaboratively develop the material to be presented later. About this list: Additions and deletions are all automated via Majordomo. For details, send the word `help' in the body of a mail message to the Administrivia address given below. The subscription policy is `open', meaning you can add or delete yourself at any time, but you cannot add or delete anyone else without approval. This list is unmoderated and unrestricted. This means that anybody can post messages to the list. Messages are archived and available for download, as are perhaps other useful files. For details, send the word `index' in the body of a message to the Administrivia address. Post messages to the everyone on the list by using the List address. If you absolutely must to contact a human being, use the Owner address. _____________________________________________ List address: Administrivia: Owner: _____________________________________________