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LOCATOR-SIG, Discussions about a Python Locator for resource discovery The Python Locator SIG is used to foster discussions about resource discovery in the distributed Python community. It is maintained by the Python Software Activity, and is administered by Paul Everitt ( See for details. The life of the SIG will start by trying to get an accurate problem definition, and leveraging the experience of SIG members in solving resource discovery problems. Also, we will try from the beginning to coordinate with other SIGs (especially the emerging Documentation SIG), as well as reporting to the list at large. Speaking of which, a major goal will be to create a strategy that will be adopted :^). Other goals are to facilitate the browsing and searching of distributed resources; connecting individuals with initiatives and ongoing projects; and, of course, spreading the good name of the PSA hither and yon. About this list: Additions and deletions are all automated via Majordomo. For details, send the word `help' in the body of a mail message to the Administrivia address given below. The subscription policy is `open', meaning you can add or delete yourself at any time, but you cannot add or delete anyone else without approval. This list is unmoderated and unrestricted. This means that anybody can post messages to the list. Messages are archived and available for download, as are perhaps other useful files. For details, send the word `index' in the body of a message to the Administrivia address. Post messages to the everyone on the list by using the List address. If you absolutely must to contact a human being, use the Owner address. ============================================================ List address: Administrivia: Owner: ============================================================