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email package SIG

The email package is a standard Python package that comes with Python. This SIG's mission is to define, implement, enhance, and maintain the email package for Python. Goals include:
  • Improving the API
  • Improving performance and usability
  • Adding support for additional email RFCs
Several versions of the email package are available, and may be included with your Python distribution. All are also available as distutils-based standalone packages from the Python Cheese Shop. Here is the breakdown of package availability and compatibility:

email package version released with compatible with
2.5.7 Python 2.3.6 [*] Python 2.1 to 2.5
3.0.1 Python 2.4.3 Python 2.3 to 2.5
4.0 Python 2.5 [**] Python 2.3 to 2.5

[*] The last release of the Python 2.3 family was 2.3.5, which included email 2.5.6. If Python 2.3.6 ever gets released it will include email 2.5.7.

[**] Python 2.5 is currently under development and has not yet been released.

There is, of course, always more to do, so please join the email sig mailing list (archives) for further discussions on the direction of this SIG. Note that this SIG replaces the old mimelib project at SourceForge. Use the Python project trackers for all bug reports.

The tarball is signed with Barry Warsaw's OpenPGP key ID ED9D77D5.