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PyCon: Community-Run Python Conference

PyCon is a conference for the Python community, organized by members of the Python community. PyCon is for Python enthusiasts of all experience levels, from new users to core developers.

The original PyCon was formed in North America in 2003, but there are now a number of other conferences being run in the PyCon spirit around the world. Visit the worldwide PyCon web site for more information.

PyCon gives you opportunities to:

  • See a variety of presentations, panels, and impromptu discussions.
  • Learn about significant advances in the Python development community.
  • Meet fellow developers from around the world.
  • Enroll in tutorials delivered by experts.
  • Participate in development sprints with fellow enthusiasts.

The organizers aim to make the conference affordable and accessible to all.

Also see the Python conferences and workshops listing for information on other events around the world.