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Your .emacs setup

Put the following into your .emacs

;; OO-Browser setup

(defvar br-directory "/usr/local/lib/xemacs-19.13/lisp/oobr/")
; Directory where the OO-Browser executable code is kept. It must end with a directory separator character.

;;; For FSF Emacs that does not have hyperbole uncomment the following
;; (setq load-path (cons (concat br-directory "hypb")) load-path)

(autoload 'oo-browser (expand-file-name "br-start" br-directory)
  "Invoke the OO-Browser" t)
(autoload 'br-env-browse (expand-file-name "br-start" br-directory)
  "Browse an existing OO-Browser Environment" t)

; Lets just enable browsing for C++ and Python
; for full list of languages, see br-env.el
(defvar br-env-lang-avector
  '[("C++"     . "c++-")
    ("Python"  . "python-")]
  "Association vector of (LANGUAGE-NAME . LANGUAGE-PREFIX-STRING) elements of OO-Browser languages.")

(global-set-key "\C-c\C-o" 'oo-browser)