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Common commands

There is a wide variety of commands available in OO-Browser. The following list displays just the subset I personally use most.

C-c C-o
or M-x oo-browser starts the browser.
C-c C-e
Rebuilds the viewed environment. This must be done when new classes or methods are added to the source code.
C-c C-v
Moves the point between editor and listing windows.
View the ancestors of the selected class, all the way up to root class.
View all the descendants of the selected class.
View the features of the current class. Class features are all the methods specific to the class and all the inherited classes and their methods.
View the source code of the selected item. The item can be either class or feature.
Edit the source code of the selected item.
Display the documentation string for the selected item.
Display all classes implementing the selected method.
Launch xoobr to give a graphical tree view of the current item. Multiple tree views can be open at the same time. If items features are displayed, those will be visible in the tree view as well. Clicking on the tree leaves will display the corresponding source location in the editor.
Kills all the xoobr windows.