Yet ANOTHER of Steve's File Objects ( lazy readlines methods )

Steven D. Majewski (
Thu, 31 Mar 1994 16:46:49 -0500

OK - I know you folks on the mailing list probably think you've
seen enough of these, but THIS ONE IS REALLY DIFFERENT - I PROMISE!
I think I've _finally_ got it Right!

( And maybe someone on the news group hasn't seen one yet! )

Program first, then output.

- Steve Majewski

# Yet ANOTHER of Steve's File Objects ( lazy readlines methods )
# Here is a different way of creating a Class wrapper around
# builtin fileobjects and other builtin objects.
# Most of the methods go into the Object, rather that the Class
# This is almost sort of like a dynamic binding of a parent
# class at initialization time, except that the parent isn't
# necessarily a class. There are wider implications of this.
# More on that later.
# This class is dedicated to Tommy Burnett - whose comments
# about whether Python is really Class based inspired this method.
# ( It was either our conversation, or seeing double wearing that
# crazy VR helmet. I went home and coded this up after dinner.
# Maybe I should have named it Tommy() ? - Well, nobody seemed
# to like Spam-tables ... :-)
# - Steve Majewski <sdm7g@Virginia.EDU>

class File:
def __str__( self ):
return repr( self._obj )
def __repr__( self ):
return repr( self._obj )
def __init__( self, obj ):
# Note that self.__methods__ is a READ ONLY attribute,
# so we have to use _methods_ instead.
if hasattr( obj, '__methods__' ):
self._methods_ = obj.__methods__[:]
elif hasattr( obj, '_methods_' ):
self._methods_ = obj._methods_
self._obj = obj
for meth in self._methods_ :
setattr( self, meth, getattr( obj, meth ))
# OK - I've poster several similar classes, but this is (finally)
# a generic way of creating them. The turns an object with a
# method for getting the next item ( like file.readline ) into
# a deferred evaluation, read-only stream object that can be
# sequenced in a for loop: "for each in Stream( file.readline ):"
# zeros = Stream( lambda: 0 ); for example, will produce a stream of zeros.
# class Incr:
# def __init__( self, *initval ):
# if initval : self.val = initval[0]
# else: self.val = 0
# def next( self ):
# last, self.val = self.val, self.val + 1
# return last
# ints = Stream( Incr().next )
# will produce a range()-like sequence of numbers on demand
# BUT - this hasn't been tested mush for these other (infinite)
# cases. It is mostly here as a helper class for the next Class.

class Stream:
def __init__( self, nextmethod ): = nextmethod
self._buf = [ ]
def __len__( self ):
self._buf.append( )
if not self._buf[-1] :
del self._buf[-1]
return len( self._buf )
def __getitem__( self, i ):
if i >= len( self._buf ):
for j in range( len( self._buf ), i+1 ):
self._buf.append( )
return self._buf[i]
def __getslice__( self, i, j ):
junk = self.__getitem__( j )
return self._buf[i:j]

# Finally, here is the point of the whole exercise.
# A file wrapper class that
# coerces a File object's readlines() method into a
# deferred evaluation stream object.

class Rfile( File ):
def __init__( self, fileobj ):
File.__init__( self, fileobj )
self._stream = Stream( self.readline )
self.readlines =
# can't just assign readlines to the stream - it
# has to be a function, so we assign it to a function
# that returns the stream. Does this make any sense to you?
def stream( self ):
return self._stream

import sys

def test(f):
print 'Reading lines from ( end with a ^D ) ',f
for x in f.readlines(): print '<*'+x[:-1]+'*>'
print '<end.>'

# And the behaviour of readlines() in these two tests should
# demonstrate the point of the whole thing.
if __name__ == '__main__' :
test( sys.stdin )
test( Rfile( sys.stdin ))


Note that the first readlines method reads to the end of file and
returns a list of lines, while the second readlines method returns
an sequence object that returns it's values on demand.

$ ./
Reading lines from ( end with a ^D ) <open file '<stdin>', mode 'r' at 20069548>

Reading lines from ( end with a ^D ) <open file '<stdin>', mode 'r' at 20069548>


All this, just 'cause I hate loops like:

line = file.readline()
while line:
line = file.readline()


while 'True' :
line = file.readline()
if not line : break

! :-)